One of the most volatile issues both religious and political is the site of The Dome Of the Rock; currently occupied by a Mosque, former site of the Second Temple of Judaism, prophesied site of a Third Temple. The Temple Institute has for many years been attempting to breed a […]
DARPA has been working on brain-micro chip interfaces for several years now (probably longer in the “black”) for everything from memory boosting to remote control of warfighting equipment. Here’s the latest as reported by Sputnik News: The US military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has created a brain-computer interface […]
Can 5G implementation be stopped? You have the power to fight! This Email was sent out by Arthur Firstenberg and received via theConTrail and Source Point Experience: With your help, stopping 5G is possible. Information about signing the Appeal is provided at the end of this email. The rollout […]
A message from TSPE explains the reason behind the push to move to 5g: Total Control! Friends, watch this video about life inside China. While we can say that is terrible, at the same we need to remember the experiment is just starting there first. It is coming here to […]
People looking up know it. Animals on the ground know it. Environmentalists watching for signs of impending disasters know it. Charles Forte knew it. Other flying feathered creatures know it. What do they know? Birds falling from the sky is NEVER a good sign. Paul Seaburn September 22, 2018 […]
The NYT has making waves in a barrage of articles about Rosenstein and his alleged “wear a wire” remarks almost to the point where it becomes a deafening roar. But as this discerning opinion/analysis piece from Vox elaborates, the result may be to play the situation right into Trumps’s hands: […]
Authorities and Media are playing down the significance of the alleged plane in this concerning incident, I will remain alert for further information on this story. It remains unclear if this could be a small “topdressing” aircraft spraying fertilizer or something larger. Perhaps the presence of the alleged aircraft is […]
CHINA’S chilling dictatorship is moving quickly to introduce social scorecards, in which all citizens will be monitored 24/7 and ranked on their behaviour. dumbbell33 Published on Sep 18, 2018 COMING,.. TO A DYSTOPIA NEAR YOU….If you let it…………… The Communist Party’s plan is for every one of its […]
In my opinion, one of Rappoport’s best blogs. Imagination and knowledge are humanity’s most powerful tools. Please read this if you read nothing else today! Martin H I once had a geneticist tell me, “You know, we’re going to discover the genes for promiscuity, for anti-social behavior, for compassion, for […]
Independent POV Published on Sep 14, 2018 Subscribe 18K At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is […]