Thought this would make an interesting contrast to the new Antarctica vid I embedded recently. Rand and Rose Flem-Ath were pioneers of the Atlantis/Antarctic link, and the inspiration for Graham Hancock’s landmark work “Fingerprints Of The Gods” that rebooted the Alternative Archeology/ancient mysteries scene. An important piece of archival resource […]
‘The Netflix documentary, One of Us, released in 2017 exposed what whistleblowers have been saying for years. Just as the Catholic Church maintained, protected, and allowed a pedophile ring of hundreds if not thousands of Catholic priests to rape and abuse children for decades, so too, has the Ultra-orthodox Jewish […]
Disclosed TruthTV Published on Sep 5, 2018 Subscribe 247K Is one of the worlds greatest secrets about to be uncovered? There is a huge magnetic anomaly in Antarctica, on the east coast of lake Vostok’s shoreline. This is what you would see if you found the ruins of an ancient, […]
The number of satanic abusers and rapists of women and children hiding behind priestly robes seems to grow exponentially, the Church sinking in a quagmire of cover ups and corruption. Here’s another case from New York as explained by the Herald: 7 Sept 2018 New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood […]
Interesting article. Trumps reasoning for building this 5G network (to counter China’s dominance) is sound, but as we all know, there are grave health concerns! Trump’s 5G Network Raises Concerns for Public Health and the Environment Truthout Sep. 04, 2018 12:20PM EST By Sabine El Gemayel The Trump administration is […]
Banks that settle scandals out of court continue in their wicked ways. Instead, they should be hauled before a judge so justice is seen to be done, says economist Mathijs Bouman. But Mr Hamers, how do you explain the fact that your own computer system was programmed deliberately to limit […]
This is practically a planet-wide alert, don’t be caught napping! Don’t panic, just be prepared. Pack of clothes, torch, some basic supplies. I’ve been there so I know. Martin I’ll let Dutchsinse do the talking: Thanks Rose for the alert and link UPDATE 10/9/18 6.9 Kermedec plus several shallow […]
Something’s VERY WRONG On The Space Station.. A small leak on the ISS raises serious claims of possible sabotage according to Russia. Also more in this vid on Sonic Weapon attacks on US Embassy employees! SEE ALSO
Please take a look at the big picture: Japan expects quakes, but especially note the activity in Russia (see link and comment below) Simultaneously, we have two typical “HAARP” quakes (10kms depth) in the Ural Mountains, Russia: a VERY unusual place to have seismic activity. Is there […]
LOS ANGELES SKYWATCH PRESENTS: Geoengineering: The Global Military Programs You Haven’t Heard About Presented by Elana Freeland The chemtrails whitening the skies around the world are only a hint of vast military programs being carried out globally. Are they about ameliorating global warming and climate change? Or are they about […]