Believing that the former national Government of NZ was “too hasty” to sign up to China’s NWO top dog ambitions, NZ First Leader and current Foreign Minister, is sure to upset the Asian Superpower, not to mention new National Party leader Simon Bridges who was responsible for the “hasty” sign […]
How does September 4 2010 fit into the Christchurch Quake scenario? There is a far bigger picture here than most are aware of!
Superb CBS documentary from 1996:
A hearing shrouded in secrecy and blanketed with security has begun in the High Court in Wellington. The subject of the hearing is so secret it has not even been listed on the court’s daily schedule. Security at the court building has been beefed up for today’s hearing, with screening […]
“Wanna Check out my missile, Donald?” Wow Vlad, that’s a big one…but mine’s bigger!” Put ’em away boys and get back on your horse! ..and these alleged super weapons are nothing new BTW. Here’s the MSM story: Putin, before vote, unveils ‘invincible’ nuclear weapons to counter West Andrew Osborn (Reuters) […]
America is now in a state of terminal self-destruction. Only the time frames are a variant. The shortest lived ‘Empire’ in world history. And the one with the greatest potential and greatest advantages of all.
“Sprinkle enough of the drugs among enough people and you get otherwise unexplainable violence popping up—in schools, in workplaces. The psychiatric plague eats out the country from the inside.”
Ellie-May Clark arrived slightly late for her appointment but her GP refused to see her and did not even open her file. A coroner has ruled it was unacceptable that a five-year-old girl died after she was turned away from an emergency doctors for being minutes late. Ellie-May Clark […]
Let us now move on to why someone might want to trigger an artificial earthquake in Christchurch. Follow the money is usually a very useful thing to do if a potential crime has been committed. Who has benefitted financially from the earthquake? Let’s take a look at several potential […]
A Papua New Guinea MP says he is trying to verify reports that up to 10 people died in this morning’s earthquake in Hela Province. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck at a depth of 35 kilometres in Komo-Magarima district. It struck at 4am […]