What exactly Is President Trump’s powerfully worded EO 13818? Why has it attracted so much fake news and debunking attention?
Don’t miss this exciting, informative and alarming Dark Journalist episode!
We need to free our students from the system of debt slavery that has financialized education, turning it from an investment in human capital into a tool for exploiting the young for the benefit of private investors. by Ellen Brown
Nigel Farage Freedom and Direct Democracy Group -Speaking truth about the Zionist Agenda !
“Must read” article! The long lasting and horrific legacy of DU: January 7, 2018 Pam Vernon From truthnews.info Think about some 450,000 military and civilians who have been rotated from America to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other areas where Depleted Uranium Weapons were utilized. Imagine that the U.S. Government KNEW […]
Jeff Wefferson alerts us to some shocking developments looming with potentially dire consequences for our environment and our planet:
The Media machine is in a frenzy over a controversial new book, and with such world shaking revelations as The secrets of Donald Trump’s hair, who wouldn’t get excited ? (ahem…)
While the man has come in for plenty of flak, Trump certainly seems to be holding up to his promise regarding employment! Phillip Bump, The Washington Post: On Friday morning, the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released employment numbers for December, bookending President Trump’s first year in office. While […]
11,500 year old remains of a “previously unknown human lineage” push back the date of North American inhabitation, reports Archaeology Magazine: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA—According to a New York Times report, an international team of scientists has mapped the genome of a six-week-old infant girl who is thought […]
“All the signs were there” according to Dutchsinse: Here’s some videos: