Various countries have welcomed the restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, while the regime in Tel Aviv seems to view the development as a “fatal blow” to its regional coalition building against the Islamic Republic. Press TV — March 10, 2023 After several days of intensive negotiations […]

While crickets chirped, the bus just ran over Fauci Robert W Malone MD, MS Mar 10 Yesterday, we witnessed the ex-director of the CDC, under oath, directly blame Dr. Fauci and the US Government for the deaths of millions of people. However, if you went to the headlines of Google […]

Before mRNA injections took the limelight, there was fluoride. Except it’s still here and we haven’t focused on it for a while. Re-educate yourself! MH 🎥 About this channel: We expose all the evils of our modern diet so you can make better decisions. Subscribe for more:…

“When do we deploy the next variant? We frighten the pants of everyone.” These are the exact words of former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom, Matt Hancock. He was communicating with Damon Poole, Department of Health Media Special Adviser. See screenshots of WhatsApp messages […]

The mRNA Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna contain billions of particles of self-replicating DNA that may turn human cells into long-term factories for the COVID-19 spike protein, a study has found. Will JonesThe Daily ScepticWed, 01 Mar 2023  The result is thought to shed light on the persistence of vaccine spike protein […]

Can there be any clearer sign that the “great replacement” is a reality? This all smacks of the UN Kalergi Plan, now morphed into the 2030 Agenda. Watch for more examples of evicted residents making way for migrants: This may be the first domino. MH John Cody — Remix News […]
