Public Meetings on Fluoridation in November Fluoride Action Network New Zealand is holding meetings around the country to raise awareness of the toxic and insidious nature of water fluoridation. As we are a non-profit organisation that is run soley on a volunteer basis we need help to advertise these meetings. […]
Source: By Allan Nairn Jakarta, November 9, 2010. Secret documents have leaked from inside Kopassus, Indonesia’s red berets, which say that Indonesia’s US-backed security forces engage in “murder [and] abduction” and show that Kopassus targets churches in West Papua and defines civilian dissidents as the “enemy.” The documents include […]
Nancy reports that local captain of a boat that charters dolphin sightseeing tours, who had no idea what she and John Hutchison had done in treating the polluted waters with their radio/audio frequency generator, logged an entry concerning the change in the water and the dolphins being “happy”. This was […]
Source: Abstract. We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets ‘likely‘ to be produced at the LHC. According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years […]
Source: Guess, what’s back? Back again? The Search and Surveillance Bill is back – tell a fucking friend… Bill retains end to right of silence People being investigated by police over serious fraud-related offences or gang crimes will no longer have the right to remain silent, under a Government bill. […]
The dark side of United States’ “friendship” with South Africa Precipitating chaos and misery for African people. by M. J. Molyneaux The hidden agenda behind the humanitarian aid programs and interventions carried out by the United States in troubled parts of the worldhas been insightfully exposed by Dr Paul Craig […]
Source: Fonterra commits Facebook suicide Greenpeace says Fonterra has committed Facebook suicide because it was unable to answer questions posted on the site about its palm kernel feed. But Fonterra has countered “they’ve never had an official Facebook page” and it doesn’t know who was running the one that was […] Waterpressure Group Spokeswoman Penny Bright URGENTLY needs your help to attend Transparency International’s conference in Thailand on November 10-14th. If you support the work that Penny has done opposing water privatisation and strengthening democracy in New Zealand – please help her now! Please donate $10 or $20 (or more […]
CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT BP CAPPED THE WRONG WELL (??) by mook, Monday, November 01, 2010, 19:18 Ran across the story line via the posting for today. The following are bits and pieces presented for your interest… Part one is from a link within the bottom story, might be interesting to see […]
By Dr. Tom Termotto The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator that straddles the border of France and Switzerland, is quite busy lately playing with the most basic ingredients of the universe. Much of humanity is completely oblivious to what is taking place there, even though the elemental […]