By Martin Harris The Great Unmapped When my family and I emigrated to New Zealand in 1982, my Great Uncle Les, a proud Kiwi and walking repository of local knowledge, acted as our self appointed guide to our new home. He was a tall man, reminiscent of Tolkein’s Treebeard. Despite […]
I can personally vouch for the truth of this news, being close to the beach. The family take a dip frequently, and it really has been like taking a warm bath!
The latest theory concerning the missing Malaysian Airlines flight. While it is essentially speculative, the Freescale Semiconductor element of the mystery adds considerable plausibility. Note however that the news sources are MSM “tabloid” news outlets. Use discernment! Norman Davies says technology designed to stop a repeat of the 9/11 terror […]
Remember the Ozone Hole? Used to be the hot environmental topic before Al Gore and the Church Of Global Warming. In fact it’s been so long since I heard anything about the Ozone Layer that I did a double-take when I saw this item. Being an unrepentant tin-hatter I have […]
Staff writers, AFP THE loss of a huge ice sheet from Antarctica prompted disaster in The Day After Tomorrow. But scientists say the continent’s new trillion-tonne iceberg will not have such an immediate effect. A TRILLION-ton iceberg which has broken free from Antarctica will do nothing to raise the world’s […]
Published on May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017: Unusual ‘energy waves’ are appearing on seismograms simultaneously at the North & South Poles. These patterns resemble nothing of the norm as defined at Another strange signal was detected on MIMIC just prior to these showing up. The MIMIC signal spanned […]
For those who think the Arctic ice is not melting March 24, 2017 Announcents page, Paul Craig Robert’s BlogSpot: Apocalypse Tourism? Cruising the Melting Arctic Ocean Come aboard! Let’s sail the once-impenetrable Northwest Passage. By Katie Orlinsky and Eva Holland | September 8, 2016 Photographs by Katie Orlinsky From […]
There is a tremendous amount of focus on Antarctica in the Alternative Media at the moment, and as usual with hot topics, there’s everything from aliens, to lost civilisations, to hidden underground bases and bunkers for the elite. This recent presentation seems to provide some clarity amid the speculation. […]
Graham Hancock at his finest.
Despite all the Climate Change propaganda, it seems certain that Antarctica is growing. With the opposite pole, the facts are harder to discern. Is the Arctic ice growing also? Or is it shrinking ? And why are the elite taking so much interest in Antarctica? Is the […]