Christopher Bollyn is an American journalist and researcher. He is widely known for his extensive researches on the September 11, 2001 attacks which disclosed that Israel has been complicit in planning and carrying out the terrorist attacks that cost the lives of 2,976 victims and left more than 6,000 injured. […]
[ … and the purpose of his visit was to foster closer ties between Israel and New Zealand . First of all : ‘Eeewww’ to that idea. Secondly – there was bugger all local coverage of the protest except for this Scuffles erupted between New Zealand police and anti-Israel demonstrators […]
[youtube]HkrEHqz0384[/youtube] TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES
A brief extract from Murray Horton’s roadshow : NEW ZEALAND IS NOT FOR SALE that began yesterday on Waiheke Island. Campaign Against Foreign Control Of Aotearoa from Scott Ewing on Vimeo. Murray discusses the folly of privatising state assets. His roadshow is underway right now For more details : […]
[youtube]_mmimUVJqUU[/youtube] Six environmental organisations are backing Ngati Porou and Te Whanau a Apanui in their fight against deep sea oil drilling off the East Cape. They are protesting against government policy allowing foreign oil companies like Brazilian giant Petrobras to drill for oil in some of New Zealand’s deepest coastal […]
Source: BEIJING — The Chinese authorities on Sunday detained Ai Weiwei, a high-profile artist and stubborn government critic, as he tried to board a plane for Hong Kong, his friends and associates said. Mr. Ai’s wife, his nephew and a number of his employees were also taken into custody […]
Since the 1979 Iranian revolution and the downfall of the US Puppet Ruler the Shah, Iran has been an Islamic state. In that interval of time, 1979 to the present, Iran has not invaded anyone. Not once. People of all religions live in peace in Iran, even Jews, who find […]
What Bush Started Is Furthered By Obama ~ All In The Name Of Peace. Mercifully, it was Vladimir Putin and not Osama bin Laden who characterized the UN resolution number 1973 as “defective and flawed”, even though he could have stopped it by using Russian veto power. “It allows everything,” […]
Bottom line: After WW I, Britain broke the Muslim world into a number of arbitrary and highly corrupt (and easily controlled) states. The better to extract their oil from. Post WW II, the US took over the deal. [ … because everyone else lost WW II ] Everyone knows that […]
This from the truly -brilliant- Oscar winning doco “Hearts And Minds” Video … and this from what’s going on right now US Already At War In Pakistan : Drone Attacks Exceed Kosovo War – but against an ally’s ‘expendables’ [youtube]7-vV2HDWa4c[/youtube]