Has America’s “Saville” moment arrived? Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Britain’s Prince Andrew are the first names to be raised in association with Epstein: No doubt more will follow, as indicated by some of the links below. This may sort the wheat from the chaff! MH Jeffrey Epstein was reportedly […]
Paul McCartney did not die in a car accident on 9/11 1966. The Industry that established itself around this hoax, is extraordinary in one sense, yet typical and pathetic in another. By G Squared 8/7/19 When The Beatles recorded, there was an army of musicians present. Never shown in the […]
We’ve uncovered yet another social justice scheme being perpetrated by Google that involves censoring images of white people from search queries for “white couples.” Ethan Huff – Natural News July 1, 2019 We’ve uncovered yet another social justice scheme being perpetrated by Google that involves censoring images of white people […]
New Atlantis? A rather unique perspective on things from Crane! The link to this video came via author Elana Freeland (with thanks to Rose for sharing). Elana included the following message: From an activist friend in London. A relatively unique context that I too follow in my series Sub Rosa […]
Christopher Bollyn on the Cause of the High Mortality Among the First Responders By Christopher Bollyn on June 30, 2019 URL Link: www.youtube.com/watch Thousands of first responders and others who worked on or near “the pile” of the destroyed World Trade Center are very sick and dying, as this current […]
Yet more confirmation of Mainstream Media collusion with government intelligence agencies: June 23, 2019 Thomas Scripps – WSWS June 22, 2019 Minutes of Ministry of Defence (MoD) meetings have confirmed the role of Britain’s Guardian newspaper as a mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies. Last week, independent journalist Matt Kennard revealed […]
“We are all children of the universe. Billions of years before we were born, the furnace of the stars made, in prolific abundance, the basic chemicals which are needed for all of life, and the supernovas gave up their lives to make all of the heavier chemicals and trace metal […]
NINE IWI REPS APPROVE LUGGATE AERIAL 1080 DROP – BUT NONE APPEAR TO LIVE IN LUGGATE, AND WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW WHO THEY ARE EITHER !!! From Pam Vernon June 23, 2019 OSPRI’S planning process is supposed to include stakeholder meetings (isn’t that the affected community?) and consultation […]
…Or How The Socialist Movement Created Their Own Monster! by Martin Harris 22/6/19 In the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings, the conspicuous Left-Wing element of the media and universities, especially in New Zealand, were keen to “strike while the iron is hot”. Busy scouring the internet with every […]
Scratched my head over this one and what the agenda might be. Then I spied the reference to vaccines: “Follow The Money”. Yes, they want to vaccinate your cat on the flimsy and rather preposterous pretext that your pussy is a dolphin killer. NIWA’s already shaky credibility just took a […]