Are Electric Vehicles really the perfect combination of freedom and environmental conscience on four wheels? by Martin Harris Several times now, I have mentioned in blogs the subject of the future of personal transportation and the erosion of personal freedom and mobility, mostly in the context of Light Rail and […]
“It was possible to annihilate the world before the invention of computers, but it was far more difficult and much less likely. The invention of the computer instantly changed the speed at which war could be waged, the scale of its impact, and the quantity of destruction.” Jerry Mander, In […]
These are notes on money-musical-chairs among drug companies. Big-time money. by Jon Rappoport April 19, 2018
Has Alexa, Amazon’s AI home assistant, inadvertently blown the whistle on state authorities? Chemtrails “left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public by government officials.” Quote Alexa AI Amazon, having acknowledged that it was a program […]
The DOJ-FBI are caught in a reverse blackmail, of their own creation. Far from The Nunes Memo being a threat to National Security or any ongoing investigations (are they referring to The Mueller Witch Hunt?); the concern is a light shone on DOJ-FBI illegalities. ‘If they have nothing to hide, […]
Do you believe Sandy Hook was a False Flag? If so, then is a case of “crisis actors” yet again? It seems unlikely to me. Regardless of one’s beliefs, this should be taken as indication that Alt. Media needs to tread carefully! AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – The parents of two […]
Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson are packing their bags for Downing Street, as Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Gavin Williamson, and Boris Johnson, are having a secret meeting, to determine if their combined IQs can reach a double digit. Johnson of course being unbelievable at least since his Aid flights to […]
Ever feel like something that should have called for champagne and cigars just felt a little anticlimactic?
Nerve Agents, Food Poisoning, and Pesticides give similar initial symptoms. Gerhard Schrader of I.G.Faben (1936) had reserached and developed; Sarin (1936) (VX) and Tabun(1938). He continued the research and developement into Organophosphates when he transferred to Bayer. Although Tabun had been used in WWI. Further development produced Soman (1944) and […]
In Sept. 2018, a repeat circus is to occur. Congress is again required to pass The Government Appropriation Bills. Expect grand theatrics from The Democrats and the insincere RINOs in the leadup to The 6/11/2018, Mid Term Elections.