“One of the peculiarities of much American commentary about foreign affairs is the absence of memory. This is unfortunate since it deprives thinking about the current situation of perspective and context. “ IRAQ: RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL CONQUEROR? Iraq is creeping back into the news. Slowly. Americans are not welcoming its […]
Last week in Nueva Italia, Mexico, heavily armed citizens seized a drug cartel’s bastion, and essentially stood up to defend themselves without the aid of the State. Over 100 pickup trucks filled with citizens ready to defend themselves arrived in the town of Nueva Italia, when they were hit with […]
Today I am beginning a series of articles about what I believe is the extremely deep crisis taking place in Europe and about the potential of this crisis to result in some cataclysmic events. I will begin by taking a look at what has been going on in France, probably […]
[ … so I guess they can change it back from ‘climate change’ to ‘global warming’ now ] Article
Security researcher Barnaby Jack has passed away in San Francisco, only days before a scheduled appearance at a Las Vegas hacker conference where he intended to show how an ordinary pacemaker could be compromised in order to kill a man. Article
Mike Springman- The former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia blows the whistle on the 9/11 hijackers. Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ut2vKqnCpE
Based on recent news and events, it now appears that nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones is working in concert with the Zionist run Obama administration to set-up his own audience of 3 million gun-owning Americans for future acts of domestic terror. Although there are already 10 good reasons why […]