And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, […]
Saule Omarova, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), called during a March 2021 virtual conference to eliminate all private bank accounts and deposits. By Sean Moran – Activist Post Nov 16, 2021 Biden’s Treasury nominee Omarova was member of a Marxist Facebook […]
How the State Convinces Us to Give Up Our Freedoms Alexander McRae theBFD The true pandemic we are facing is one of psychosis. The danger to our minds outweighs the sniffles. We have let the State take us down a dangerous road. We are watching the construction of totalitarianism in […]
Watch Dr. Fauci dance around terminology and technical definitions under the steely-eyed questioning of Senator Rand Paul Note how Fauci stresses “current pandemic” @ 6:47. Twice. Most interesting! So how about previous or upcoming pandemics? MH American Times34.7K subscribers HILLARY CLINTON IN DEEP MESS AS CAMPAIGN IMPLICATED IN NEW DURHAM […]
COVID pervades everything right now. Out of necessity, we’ve been focusing on the here and now and the immediate threat to our freedoms taking place via the Plandemic. But we’ve always maintained there’s a contingency plan waiting in the wings should all else fail… The famous Lock Step Scenario, which […]
There is no science to vaccinating children against Covid-19. And yet governments globally continue rolling out vaccines for children, pressuring both parents and children into getting them. Sott.netSun, 07 Nov 2021 © Meanwhile, for the first time since the so-called pandemic began in early 2020, there has been a […]
MRNA shots are Gene Therapy MARKETED as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust Says Big Pharma / Hugo Talks – Nov 12, 2021 Also Watch On BRANDNEWTUBE / ODYSEE / RUMBLE
Lewis Brackpool shares a tip that was sent to Rebel News from a British Airways flight attendant who, while in Barbados for work, had a pair of bracelets placed on their wrist. One, a red band, marked the flight attendant as being from an “at-risk country.” The other, a white […]
After almost two months, the Biden Administration is following through on its promise to punish companies with unvaccinated employees. In response, The Daily Wire is suing Biden for the unconstitutional vaccine mandate. We’re not complying, and neither should you. Get 25% off a new Daily Wire membership with code DoNotComply: […]