The government’s Three Waters water-grab (typical Communist asset-seizure) which takes control of water supply from ratepaying local control (via regional councils) and into direct control of “Big Sister” was open for Submissions until the beginning of March. Thing is, most of the general populace never heard about it until well […]
While some believe we never went to the Moon, I believe we did go, but what’s there is covered up. Fantastic collection of videos, stills and testimony here from Tyler at Secureteam10. MH secureteam102.04M subscribersSUBSCRIBED➨ Merch: – Use UFBRO123 for 10% Off ➨Tyler’s Instagram: ➨FULL Press Conference vid: […]
This is a page of history that can’t be allowed to disappear! “I don’t feel guilty because I’m engaged in an amoral activity which is not MEANT to have anything to do with guilt”. Whew…where do you begin with what’s wrong with that statement? MH. Read more from Silview Media […]
In June the U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report detailing the widespread use of facial recognition technology, including law enforcement using databases of faceprints from government agencies and private firms. Privacy and civil rights organizations have been warning for the last few years that the use of facial recognition […]
June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections, hosted by Bret Weinstein, Ph.D. The podcast was quickly erased from YouTube and Weinstein was issued a warning. Truth2Freedom’s Blog via Pam […]
Here’s the story the MSM isn’t telling you about the claimed pullout! MH 23.04.2021 Author: F. William Engdahl The Biden Administration has announced an Afghanistan US troop withdrawal date of September, 11, 2021, symbolically exactly two decades after the game-changing 911 attacks in New York and Washington. However the Pentagon and White […]
Freedom: No Social Distancing, no masks, no Contact Tracing or QR. If john Lennon were alive he’d have to write a sequel to ‘Imagine’! But what seems “too good to be true”, probably is. Martin Harris 8/7/21 The observant reader will probably have noticed something missing from the UK’s “freedom […]
Some Disinformation we are Disinclined to Disseminate…! by Martin Harris 3/7/21 It seems the Alternative and independent media are getting too tough to crack with straightforward propaganda. This week three items bearing all the classic hallmarks of carefully crafted disinformation have been proffered to this author, and the team at […]
Climate alarmists are celebrating the 33 years that have passed since the June 23, 1988 Democratic Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing that opened the door on global warming climate alarmism with testimony from Committee Democratic Senators and supposed “experts” sharing their speculation of sensationalized doomsday perspectives allegedly caused by increasing […]
It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than this! (What happened to “my body my choice”, Dems?). MH The Joe Biden administration has created a “Vaccine Hesitancy Map” using U.S. Census Data in order to help pro-vaccine activists target counties where people who don’t want to take the vaccine live. By […]