Have you noticed the sudden increase of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately? Could this be the beginning of a fake alien invasion? by Mike Stone — (henrymakow.com) “Do you believe in UFOs?” My answer is always: “Yes, I believe they’re real, but they’re not from outer space.” […]

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Thursday said the US military has already begun so-called “over the horizon capabilities” for operations in Afghanistan, which is Pentagon jargon for spying on and bombing the country from outside its borders. Dave Decamp – AntiWar.com June 10, 2021 Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee that combat and surveillance […]

Okay—so that isn’t the title of the paper but it should be.  I’ve blocked people from my view for saying RNA cannot impact DNA. by Joyce Bowen ‘This Side Of Life“ I think of all those people trusting the shots and mourn for them.  They have absolutely no idea what […]

UFOs aren’t just real, they’re capable of mind-bending feats of flight and have a keen interest in toying with the US’ nuclear facilities. That’s according to an intelligence official tasked with investigating these phenomena. *Please be sure to read my comments below the article. Martin. RTWed, 09 Jun 2021 Speaking […]

When RT was forced to register as a ‘foreign agent’ by American authorities four years ago, it sparked a chain of events that saw the network banned from press events, cut off from potential partners and delisted on social media. RTSun, 06 Jun 2021 Speaking at a roundtable on press […]

THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE MAKING HEAD-LINE NEWS AROUND THE WORLD ..this is beyond David and Goliath and beyond Lord of the Rings…this is REALITY being battled for at this very moment. Here is part of a blog post I am working on this very hour. It’s not yet finished […]

…and funded by the US. A total NWO job. A commenter on Youtube says: “Remember all the “FACT checker” websites that aggressively shot down the lab theory, suspiciously and without reason? Never forget they persecuted the truth WHEN IT MATTERED MOST. Those websites should be ridiculed endlessly and shut down” […]

Facebook has responded: “We proactively announced this policy on our company blog and also updated our help center with this information.” -Facebook company spokesperson Project Veritas – May 25, 2021 Two Facebook Insiders have come forward with internal company documents detailing a plan to curb “vaccine hesitancy” (VH) on a […]

In this special report, we discuss Beijing’s ambition over one of the most sensitive types of data—DNA. The Chinese Communist Party is allegedly collecting DNA around the world through a state-linked company offering COVID-19 testing assistance to other countries—granting it access to people’s biometric data. Bill Evanina, former director of […]
