After watching a propaganda-piece on TV One this evening featuring the Tesla EV luxury cars, I felt it to be about time for a reminder: According to physics professor Christoph Buchal, electric cars increase CO2 emissions in Germany rather than reduce them. As soon as the CO2 emissions in the production of the […]

BREAKING: Michigan County Clerk Allegedly Finds Glitch In System That Gave Thousands Of Votes to Biden Here: Martin comments: Interesting to note that Bitchute has been deplatformed and is looking for a new ISP. Any connection to the flood of unfiltered news that’s coming through there? Even as I […]

This whole US election stinks like no US election has stunk before (and that’s saying something!)MH Wake Up To The Truth Clever Journeys The company with all the voting machines that “glitch” to create more votes for Biden is “Dominion Voting Systems.” Their DC lobbyist is Nancy Pelosi’s longtime aide. […]

“The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” —- Joseph Stalin Project Veritas UPDATE 8/11/20 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Support our work with tax deductible donation: Sign up to get our emails:… Follow us on social media: Project Veritas […]
