Hard-hitting documentary reveals behind the scenes of Greta — Watch as her security roughs up reporter Keean Bexte of Rebel News travels to Stockholm to investigate Greta Thunberg’s origins and speak with Greta herself. http://www.GretaInc.com
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…history matters. by Jon Rappoport January 25, 2020 When you see a new story on the horizon, and it looks a lot like an old story you know was a hoax, you have to dig up that history and report it. […]
Virology lab only 20 miles from Huanan Seafood market experimenting with Coronavirus strains since 2018, and a massive government coverup! Here’s Activistpost’s Aaron Kesel with the details: January 25, 2020 By Aaron Kesel Chinese medics are purportedly uploading videos onto social media app Weibo chat, which are being deleted and […]
… that never happened. by The Aetheist Conservative On the first Earth Day in 1970, environmentalists predicted the direst imaginable consequences, including the possible extinction of the human race, within 30 years. That is, if we earthlings didn’t obey them and go back to living the life of the savage: […]
Ahoy mateys: A motley crew of piratical scallywags have sailed this ship! A superb bit of detective work and on-the spot fieldwork by Ben Vidgen that takes in the Kashoggis, Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump, the Clintons and Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping, the United Nations, and the common demoninator; a […]
An IMPORTANT article for those who think for themselves! If the public had a clear understanding of what’s going on in their world, the empire would forever lose its ability to control them and rule them. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. The imperialists understand this. The public, by […]
The following is a story of the visible world of meaningless clowns. They think they are what they’re not. But never know what they never know. by G Squared HRC gave three speeches to Goldmans for over $600,000. In 2010, WJC gave one speech to Sberbank in Moscow for $500,000. […]
Especially watch the geoengineering and weather mod clips @ 6:30 onwards. Some interesting revelations about weather mod in Australia! Kevin Boyle — YouTube Jan 18, 2020
AUSTRALIA BUSH FIRE SPARKED BY ARSON PROVES TO BE FAKE NEWS. From Ben Vidgen at BENS WORLD The Guardian report of Russian bot spreading fake news is an incredible bit of 1984 bullshit. A story based on one bit of information https://www.theguardian.com/…/twitter-bots-trolls-australia… Which disregards the following; 1. My report on […]
Impeachment has been a complete joke from the beginning… The Daily Wire Martin comments: Watching from the outside here in little old New Zealand, I wish these morons could see how pathetic they look with their little mutual-masturbation show. Totally pathetic. Sack the whole Dem party and bring in a […]