When the small British mill town of Todmorden, tucked in between Yorkshire and Lancashire, first began installing fruit and vegetable gardens all around the area as part of the Incredible Edible program, it likely had no idea that the novel, yet simple, concept would make the town a foremost inspirational […]
Corporate Corruption
Global elites are confused, reactive, and sinking into a quagmire of their own making, says author. As the crisis of global capitalism spirals out of control, the powers that be in the global system appear to be adrift and unable to propose viable solutions. From the slaughter of dozens of […]
[youtube]ml18DDMblUk[/youtube] [youtube]PY_SYu2AqN0[/youtube] [youtube]PRx516HV5lg[/youtube]
The Senate is set to vote this week on a Pentagon spending bill that could usher in a radical expansion of indefinite detention under the U.S. government. A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act would authorize the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect — anywhere in […]
A lawmaker from the same party as the president is asking for an investigation of Obama’s suspicious $433-million contract with a democratic donor’s pharmaceutical company for an unapproved, experimental smallpox drug. Sen. Claire McCaskill, a democratic representative from the state of Missouri, has asked the Department of Health and Human […]
[youtube]lh0ZvT64LbY[/youtube] [youtube]8Fm5NSeVPog[/youtube]
[ Here’s Press TV with some good news for a change 🙂 ] [youtube]Z-Y_YyMZUbU[/youtube]
Thanks to architect/fantastic friend Philip Kennedy of Christchurch who just sent us these diagrams…it’s VERY CLEAR that the global extraction corporations own the Key administratiion and that NZ is clearly in their sights, targetted for full-spectrum extraction of any and every resource…beginning with offshore oil and alluvial minerals and artesian […]