Icelanders should be proud of their success in taking their country back over the last few years and we should be proud of them. They serve as an example for us all. Axis of Logic commentary & photo essay
Corporate Corruption
[youtube]la_EanTSoTY[/youtube] [youtube]kGH6cdArNwg[/youtube]
[youtube]qSf13AS2Owk[/youtube] [youtube]d_38fSeRDB0[/youtube] Troubling new data has revealed that there are an average of 950 suicide attempts each month by veterans who are receiving some type of treatment from the Veterans Affairs Department. Seven percent of the attempts are successful, and 11 percent of those who dont succeed on the first […]
World War II air combat veteran & historian Howard Zinn … On the difference between the government and the nation. And how “government” has hijacked patriotism in the service of the highest corporate bidders. Video : – Brasscheck
. The revolutionary movement that began in Tunisia at the end of last year has now sparked mass movements in Europe. Principally, to date, in Greece and Spain. On the surface, these movements have little in common. In Tunisia and Egypt, the people came out in vast numbers to overthrow […]
In Britain as in America, the object of training professionals in everything from banking to the media is to produce a class of “managers” who instinctively muffle dissent — even if no one tells them to do so. . One of the most original and provocative books of the past […]
Military slaughter continues in Afghanistan. This is evidence of an entire village wiped out by US and its European coalition forces. [ … otherwise known as ‘bringing freedom’ or ‘liberating democracy’ or some such ]
[ Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo unpacks it for you some here : ] [youtube]mKcaX01_rSg[/youtube] [ & here’s the whole full fireside chat : ] [youtube]YGAaPjqdbgQ[/youtube]
The biofuels industry is being blamed for record food prices and high price volatility. Earlier this month a report from the World Trade Organization and other international agencies recommended that governments cut support for biofuels to ease that volatility. On the heels of that report, the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]