The number of satanic abusers and rapists of women and children hiding behind priestly robes seems to grow exponentially, the Church sinking in a quagmire of cover ups and corruption. Here’s another case from New York as explained by the Herald: 7 Sept 2018 New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood […]
Corporate Corruption
Banks that settle scandals out of court continue in their wicked ways. Instead, they should be hauled before a judge so justice is seen to be done, says economist Mathijs Bouman. But Mr Hamers, how do you explain the fact that your own computer system was programmed deliberately to limit […]
Austrian oil and gas company OMV has told a hearing in New Plymouth that trace amounts of harmful chemicals it wants permission to discharge into the sea off Taranaki will have little effect on the environment. Robin Martin, Reporter (Radio NZ) A drilling rig off the coast of Taranaki Photo: […]
Great to bring you some positive news every now and again guys. This time a seabed mining court case victory: We won. We actually WON! This week, together we made history for our oceans: the proposed seabed mining plans in the South Taranaki Bight are officially quashed! Spread the word […]
Pope Francis’s visit to Ireland will be contrasted with both rapturous crowds and hordes of angry protestors, as The Herald reports: Pope Francis was greeted by rapturous crowds as he toured the streets of Dublin yesterday at the start of his historic visit to Ireland – only the second […]
The seedy little factory in Burton St, Oxford, Alabama – from whence New Zealand sourced its pure 1080 poison for so many years, has finally closed its doors! Yet we are still, according to the NZ government, importing our pure 1080 from the USA. So, where are we getting it […]
In a hideous reflection of China’s already-prevalent ‘Social Credit’ system – which is a rating assigned to each citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status – The Washington Post reports that Facebook has begun to assign its users a reputation score, predicting their trustworthiness on a […]
Peter Thiel’s data-mining company is using War on Terror tools to track American citizens. The scary thing? Palantir is desperate for new customers. By Peter Waldman, Lizette Chapman, and Jordan Robertson April 19, 2018 High above the Hudson River in downtown Jersey City, a former U.S. Secret Service agent named […]
The Catholic Church, politicians, TV personalities, now the UN: Organized sexual exploitation of children is on a scale that is indeed horrifying. The scum always rises to the surface and the truth is being exposed bit by bit. AUGUST 12, 2018 By Matt Agorist A deeply disturbing report has finally […]
CNBC: “Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism, according to a new Gallup poll…” August 16, 2018 | Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the […]