Comprehensive update on all things China-related from NTD News. Evergrande misses bond payments again; River overflows, drowns 12 Chinese villages | China in Focus China in Focus – NTD690K subscribers⭕️ Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch👉 More companies in the Chinese property sector are now caught up […]
Meltdown News
College football country hasn’t been kind to President Joe Biden since the season kicked off. The trend of anti-Biden chants from fans continued amid an offensive slugfest between the Ole Miss Rebels and Arkansas Razorbacks. Adam DobrerThe Post MillennialMon, 11 Oct 2021 Despite the dismissiveness of the establishment press, who tried […]
The retinal implants are failing, the cognitive decline is well advanced. And so is the ratings decline. But then it was said right from the beginning that poor old Joe Biden was just a trojan horse to get the far-Left radicals through the door. MH Sky News host Rita Panahi […]
Australians: Watch the reaction at 5:02. AMAZING! NOTE: Since this video was embedded, YouTube has seen fit to attempt to restrict access to it, despite their being nothing offensive about whatsoever…unless one finds the truth offensive. Even more reason to hop on Outer Light’s channel and give your support! MH […]
Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there, according to a report from researchers in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Masaya KatoNikkei AsiaMon, 04 Oct 2021 About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on […]
What the prolonged lockdown in NZ is really about?
As always, these are “must watch” compilations. Some of the clips need to be studied carefully; just bizarre. Check out the neck-ripples at 0:45. Is that a hologram-fail? WTF…? Martin The Outer Light79.5K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾 Telegram: […]
A guy takes the Astra-Zeneca Jab, gets blood clots requiring amputation of his leg. He’s now out PROMOTING the vaccine to others! HAL TURNER 06 SEPTEMBER 2021 Let me see if I have this right: The guy gets the “clot-shot” – the mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a COVID-19 “Vaccine.” It […]
Care workers in the UK have been leaving the industry en masse and creating huge staffing shortages after they were told to get vaccinated against covid or lose their jobs Source: RT After speaking to to several care home industry officials,The Guardian reported: “three-quarters of care home operators are reporting an increase in staff […]
More dot-joining of recent events down-under from Ben Vidgen “the Dyslexic Detective” NZ experiences a net outage the same day as the knifing which I commented on that morning noting how last time I saw this was just before March 15th when I commented on it in post I made […]