Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a […]
We’ve known about this for decades and been branded lunatics: Now the MSM catches up with Elite vampires craving virgin blood! MH Adam Piore – NEWSWEEK Magazine April 7, 2021 The Spanish firm Grifols helped set off a kerfuffle last year when it, along with other firms, offered nearly double […]
This is global, not just the US. So this video applies to YOU, Kiwis and Aussies. MH. Comply or Die: How America Will Enforce TOTAL Wokeness | Glenn TV | Ep 98 WATCH more Glenn Beck: Have you noticed an insane number of companies “going woke” lately? There’s a […]
The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset. by Ice Age Farmer | Mar 25, 2021 | Podcast Download (mp3): FULL SHOW NOTES: bitchute: SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: […]
Wars and Rumors of Wars – BREAKING NEWS: ALL RUSSIA-NATO CONTACTS NOW “CUT-OFF” — FIERCE MILITARY CLASHES BEGIN IN EASTERN UKRAINE WORLD NEWS DESK 18 MARCH 2021 All contacts between Russia and NATO were suddenly and completely cut-off today, just hours after the United States “warned” all entities working on the NORDStream-2 pipeline to […]
The video “What is the Great Reset?” is a bizarre piece of PR / propaganda. At face value, it appears to say “don’t worry about the Great Reset, we love you all very much”. However, through coercive words and powerful symbols, the message most people get is “we’re doing this […]
Nothing in this world is Free. For everything there is a cost. Take away personal responsibility and let the government keep you? An analysis of UBI for your perusal. MH Henry Makow – March 12, 2021 Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income The snapshot below shows some of the […]
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum – the same body that with Bill Gates seems to be working toward a massive reduction in global population and wants to strip those who remain of personal possessions – has just backed a research group working to develop an “artificial sun”. by tts-admin | Mar 10, 2021 News Brief – March […]
If a governor has the power to release a person from a state execution, then they can decide if a person dies. So the eugenic decision to murder Jews in nursing homes by Como, Newsom et al, could hardly be a genocide. A bigger game for Schumer to lie to […]
Freezing Texas should commission a monument: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates save the Texans from global warming by turning them into icicles. So much for global warming, the reddest herring ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico! by Israel Shamir | Feb 21, 2021 The Texans have got the real New Green Deal, […]