When no one is talking about what you want them to talk about… Carl Vernon156K subscribers Bestselling books and merch: https://www.carlvernon.com Paypal tip: https://paypal.me/officialcarlvernon Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on the latest videos and live sessions. Join my locals community for exclusive content: https://carlvernon.locals.com Martin […]
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Western MSM says they are heroes. They claim to be divorced from their Neo-Nazi roots. What do Ukrainians think of Azov ? Watch and find out! MH Azov Battalion Truth – Mariupol People Speak! GrahamPhillips Published June 5, 2022 21,315 Views
While we can safely discount Von Daniken’s “Alien spaceport” theory, the enigmatic and complex Nazca Lines are still open to speculation. Here’s a theory I’d not heard before sent my way by Jon Eisen. Enjoy! MH The Nazca and Palpa Lines Peru – The Mystery SolvedAncient Interferometer Fractal Antenna ComplexBy […]
Thanks to Clare Swinney. Share this widely! What’s she up to? visiting her masters? On May the 25th, NZ PM, Jacinda Ardern visited investment firm, Blackrock. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of January 2022. Mainstream media refers to Blackrock visit: https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/05/25/jacinda-ardern-busy-promoting-nz-on-us-visit/ and […]
Watch the presenter try in vain to silence the truth-bombs! This lad deserves a medal. There’s hope yet. WE GOT A PROBLEMWE GOT A PROBLEM166K subscribersJOIN* Donate. https://www.paypal.me/wegotaproblem * Website. https://www.wegotaproblem.co.uk/ * WGAP Cup. https://we-got-a-problem.creator-spri… * Guilded. https://www.guilded.gg/i/kXoR7jZ2 * GETTR. https://www.gettr.com/user/wegotaproblem * Odysee. https://odysee.com/$/invite/@WEGOTAPR…
Even now, the MSM still plays the “With Covid” versus “Of Covid” game. Here’s a great video showing how it works. Great to hear MSM rebel Barry Soper asking the tough questions at the press conference. MH From: CoronavirusPlushie Published May 7, 2022 My longer video about this: Inflating the COVID-19 Death […]
They don’t teach this in public schools, it would expose too much stupidity in the education sector (!) so educate yourself and your family here and subscribe to this channel. Brilliant stuff! MH Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we […]
The following video of Ukraine UFOs is an excerpt from Secureteam 10’s latest compilation. Whilst some of the alleged UFOs will no doubt be of regular military aircraft, there are hints of Blue Beam at work here. Crucifix hologram? See for yourself. Check out Tyler’s YouTube channel for more UFO-related […]
This is an epic read/watch on the Azovstal situation. Give yourself plenty of time to read as there’s a wealth of information here. Be warned: as noted on the videos there is some graphic content here not for squeamish. Martin Sitrep: Operation Z By Nightvision for the Saker Blog – […]
Clearly no intelligent life forms detected in this galactic sector! Thanks to Jon Eisen for finding this treasure. MH CAPTAIN KIRK MEETS JOE BIDEN (Star Trek Parody) Ovation Eddie 2 32.7K subscribers CAPTAIN KIRK MEETS JOE BIDEN (Star Trek Parody) – #CaptainKirk ovationeddie