Thanks to Clare Swinney. Share this widely! What’s she up to? visiting her masters? On May the 25th, NZ PM, Jacinda Ardern visited investment firm, Blackrock. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of January 2022. Mainstream media refers to Blackrock visit: and […]

Watch the presenter try in vain to silence the truth-bombs! This lad deserves a medal. There’s hope yet. WE GOT A PROBLEMWE GOT A PROBLEM166K subscribersJOIN* Donate. * Website. * WGAP Cup. https://we-got-a-problem.creator-spri… * Guilded. * GETTR. * Odysee.$/invite/@WEGOTAPR…

Even now, the MSM still plays the “With Covid” versus “Of Covid” game. Here’s a great video showing how it works. Great to hear MSM rebel Barry Soper asking the tough questions at the press conference. MH From: CoronavirusPlushie Published May 7, 2022 My longer video about this: Inflating the COVID-19 Death […]
