We hear so much negative news about religious institutions, it’s something of a shock when we receive some good stuff. This is what Christianity is supposed to be all about: Date: July 24, 2019Author: Nwo Report Source: Will Maule | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Churches across the United States are engaging […]
Editor’s Choice
“Never assume anything” could be a lesson for these students! MH Cabot PhillipsCampus ReformThu, 18 Jul 2019 19:39 UTC President Donald Trump announced that he would use ICE to track down and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of a crime. The move prompted outrage from many on the […]
“Thou shalt not kill”? Apparently at least one of the Ten Commandments doesn’t apply, according to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. God may be “present in this space” (as an omnipotent being would), but would The Creator approve? MH Micaiah Bilger – Life Site News June 11, 2019 Calling […]
Interesting and balanced perspective on the ongoing protests and their political and historical context: July 18, 2019Asif Aziz For more than three months, people in Hong Kong massed in the streets to protest a proposed extradition law. Critics say it would allow China to extradite dissenting students, journalists, and business people […]
The Global Warming story as told by a veteran presenter who knows. John Coleman passed away in 2018. This presentation is his legacy, and we continue his work of exposing the truth. MH KUSI News Published on Mar 12, 2014 Subscribe 5.9K A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al […]
Attempts to diminish the triumph of Apollo 11 and to reassign credit don’t just taint the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, but presage the technological decline of the US if it persists with identity politics. Igor OgorodnevRTWed, 17 Jul 2019 15:59 UTC With the Founding Fathers now rarely mentioned […]
This one has us baffled! It’s not often I bother with UFO video captures (especially from a tabloid source) as most of them are either indistinct, lacking in visual reference points, or easily identifiable. This one, however, is intriguing. Doesn’t appear to be CG and the splitting into “dual light” […]
What Climate Emergency? asks Russia: Business is booming! While The West declares a “Climate Emergency” Russia (and also China I might add) laugh it up. Business is booming. Why worry? Hmmm…I might be an AGW skeptic, but I’m somewhat stunned by the apparent Russian attitude to human generated pollution in […]
A civilisation with no fortifications that survived by peaceful co-operation? So what killed them off? New research sheds light on an enduring mystery. NZ readers may spot the Kiwi connection in this article. MH Aslin IrwinHorizonThu, 11 Jul 2019 15:40 UTC © Bs0u10e01, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0The Ġgantija temples […]
The evidence against the Carbon Con just keeps mounting. Current CO2 levels are around 400ppm; hardly a cause for concern (except that it might be a bit low!). Yet the IPCC continues to tell the world there’s a “Climate Emergency” and Carbon Dioxide is the villain. Check out the latest […]