Occasionally the MSM surprises me. A refreshingly subjective bit of reporting on the dangers of the impending 5G rollout and EMF in general. And equally refreshing to give Stuff.co.nz a nod instead of a butt-kicking:). Better late than never; let’s hope they don’t follow up with a whitewash. MH Calls […]
Editor’s Choice
This expert on the subject thinks so: All hail the Hypno-Trump! Michael O’Hara, CH, is a Consulting Hypnotist – Manhattan Hypnosis Admit it. Donald Trump is mesmerizing. Love him or hate him, everyone awaits his next word or action. I can’t help but watch with great fascination as “The Donald” […]
They didn’t mention this in the TV news! They did mention finding plastic wrappers in the Mariana Trench (along with much global warming themed hand-wringing), but nuclear fallout? Obviously not topical enough for the MSM! Thanks to Mysterious Universe for this report MH: by Brett Tingley May 10, 2019 A […]
Yet more evidence that abrupt changes in climate are nothing new. There is evidence of huge settlements hidden in the jungles of South America, and clearly the population went into rapid decline. New research sheds light on climate change as the likely reason. MH University College LondonPhys.orgThu, 09 May 2019 […]
The dark side of “digital parenting”. Is there really a bright side? Have we really become so dependent upon AI that we rely on machines, data collecting machines, to raise and interact with one’s child? Surely time spent with our youngsters is the most precious of times. Frank Herbert’s fictional […]
A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. Arjun WaliaCollective EvolutionTue, 30 Apr 2019 11:29 UTC A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. The connection between human […]
Keating’s comments cracked me up, with it’s “old school” Aussie slang, but this report from Australia’s MSM highlights the growing division between those who think the West should embrace China, and those who think caution and critical thinking is wise. MH Hannah MooreThe Daily Mail AustraliaMon, 06 May 2019 13:55 […]
Highly entertaining and informative. These two gentlemen are a pleasure to listen to, and they make sense. Unlike the crazy Left! Michael Knowles, described by Vanity Fair as “a dapper, lib-triggering troll,” is the host of The Michael Knowles Show on the Daily Wire. Andrew Klavan is an award-winning author […]
Think living under a Chinese New World Order might be a good option? Take a look at this list and ponder. Is this our future? FORTY-EIGHT SUSPICIOUS SIGNS OF ‘EXTREMISM’ The following reasons can be used as a trigger by Chinese Government officials to justify someone being sent to an […]
I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while! What happens when two of the biggest and best known minds in the Western world decide to come together under one roof and publicly debate one of the most contentious and divisive of all political ideological issues – Capitalism Vs. […]