I was first alerted to this strange event in Sunspot, NM by Tyler at Secureteam10 YT channel. It’snow making waves in the MSM. Here’s the story via Gizmodo and Secureteam’s vid: This Is How It Starts: FBI Suspiciously Locks Down, Evacuates Solar Observatory in New Mexico Jennings Brown This […]
Editor’s Choice
Jon Rappoport bravely addresses a vital and controversial topic that should be of concern to all parents. What sort of world our children live in if the “Trans Gender Agenda” proceeds unchecked, unquestioned and unchallenged? “Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the dysphoria (distress) a person experiences as […]
Disclosed TruthTV Published on Sep 5, 2018 Subscribe 247K Is one of the worlds greatest secrets about to be uncovered? There is a huge magnetic anomaly in Antarctica, on the east coast of lake Vostok’s shoreline. This is what you would see if you found the ruins of an ancient, […]
Interesting article. Trumps reasoning for building this 5G network (to counter China’s dominance) is sound, but as we all know, there are grave health concerns! Trump’s 5G Network Raises Concerns for Public Health and the Environment Truthout Sep. 04, 2018 12:20PM EST By Sabine El Gemayel The Trump administration is […]
This guy is a joy to listen to. Smart, funny, and filled with incredible tales and experiences. https://youtu.be/e5nJA8Hkvyc UAMN TV Published on Aug 21, 2018 Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to […]
With Hillary’s Chinese hack scandal in the Media spotlight, I thought Trumps take on China was called for! Enjoy
Wasn’t so long ago that China was disguising their pyramids with trees, denying their existence and barring visitation to them by explorers and archaeologists. How things have changed! Here’s two reports on a newly announced pyramid discovery: Thursday, August 23, 2018 SHAANXI, CHINA—Live Science reports that a step pyramid in […]
Latest from Tyler at Secureteam10 continues the featuring of underground “booms” being heard around the USA, and some rather artificial looking square and rectangular cloud formations, complete with telltale g-wave vortices typical of HAARP weather mod: They’re Appearing Everywhere Now.. secureteam10 Published on Aug 19, 2018 Subscribed 1.7M For as […]
https://youtu.be/2P8PfBVm0i4 Icke at his finest. No holds barred, straight up front truth! David Icke Published on Aug 3, 2018