Today I read a quote from David Seymour regarding the Wellington protestors and the closure of The Backbencher pub. The impression given contradicts everything I’ve heard about the behaviour of protestors. “For the length of time that we’ve had this protest, I’ve been listening to people who are affected in […]
Editor’s Comment
The plot to let the lunatics run the asylum by Martin Harris The Useful Idiots have been manipulated into a position where they have shot themselves in the foot. Useful Idiots are still idiots regardless of who puts them to use. Now their usefulness is almost at an end and […]
David Seymour opened his fat mouth and pronounced that the first hint of rain would send all the Anti-Mandate protestors home. To the contrary, we “Seymour” protestors arriving daily! Honourable mention and runner-up award goes to Trevor “The Duck” Mallard who thought turning on the sprinklers would wash away his […]
I can think of no more appropriate image than this ocean of umbrellas to symbolise the persistence and spirit of the protestors on Parliament grounds at Wellington. Political Morons could not deter these courageous freedom fighters. Mallard turned on the sprinklers and they cavorted gleefully in them. Seymour predicted the […]
While they have finally dropped the “Anti Vaxxer” smear, the MSM still don’t get it! What is this protest about? Opinion by Martin Harris Yesterday morning I put together an article (link below) that was posted as the police moved in on the occupiers and protestors in Wellington. I suggested […]
As Ardern becomes a “close contact” and goes into hiding, we get this joyous and wonderful piece of information; A new political poll shows Jacinda Ardern’s approval ratings have dropped again, her lowest result since the ratings were first measured in October 2019. A pool of eligible voters were asked […]
I’d take this reporting on the Ukraine situation with a grain of salt. A very big grain of salt. CNN seem to have a standard “template” for these reports that all use the phrase “Citing multiple sources familiar with the matter,” and reading between the lines, the story has no […]
Shocking truth. This FOI release came out a MONTH ago. No mention in the Mainstream Media. READ AND SHARE! Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes Release date:16 December 2021 FOI Ref: FOI/2021/3240 You asked Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes. […]
Sage experts admit they got doom-laden forecast on Omicron wrong Victoria Allen and Xantha Leatham and Shaun Wooller For The Daily Mail Sage scientists have admitted their dire predictions of soaring Covid hospitalisations have ‘not been seen’ – as it was revealed that almost two-thirds of London patients with the virus were admitted […]
And that’s official from the NZ Ministry of Health. “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” ? Yeah, right! Or how the NZ MSM worded it: “More than a third of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in New Zealand are unvaccinated.” I kid you not! “The high relative rates of infection in the vaccinated […]