NZ Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield recently stated that COVID vaccine immunity is stronger and longer lasting than natural immunity (ie those who have been exposed to SARS CoV-2 and recovered). Is this true? Lets find out! Martin Harris 16/10/21 …mRNA vaccines also possess some inherent limitations. While side […]
Editor’s Comment
But here on Earth, madness rules… Is it any surprise no aliens…ETs…err…xenomorphs…whatever…have never openly announced their presence to us Earth dwellers? Thanks to Tyler at Secureteam10 for this snippet of insanity. Martin.
Its all over the MSM today as the NZ teachers mandatory jab looms. Many teachers quitting over the principle rather than specifically the vaccine itself (although a few have expressed distrust of the science). But the government will have expected the fallout, and probably wants it to happen. The mandate […]
Today I contacted the Human Rights Commission in response to the government’s CO-ronavirusV-accine-ID certificate rollout announcement. Their website information seems somewhat out of date. Martin Harris 5/10/21 My Email to HRC: Hi guys Time you updated the info on your page: Human Rights Commission :: Covid-19 vaccine and human rights […]
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Freedom is a thing of the past. That is the message essentially being given by Ashley Bloomfield to New Zealanders as related in a Mainstream News item today. Pool photo: Hagen Hopkins The “old normal” is gone forever. Level One has now become a “Level 1.5” with increased masking, contact […]
First we stole her childhood, now it seems Climate-Puppet Greta has had her speech-writer abducted too. by Martin Harris 30/9/21 Having apparently spent the last two years dwelling in a cave, and therefore clearly oblivious to the fact that world leaders have been occupied with rather more pressing matters than […]
29/9/21 Moments ago I received notification that this video (now removed by uploader as stated below from earlier update) has been confirmed a deliberate hoax. Details here; Experts debunk latest Loch Ness Monster drone sighting as a ‘hoax’ – Edinburgh Live As is my regular practice, I will leave this […]
“Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation” By Martin Harris 24/9/21 Inspired by a communication from G Squared Several days back, we received our usual communications from our mysterious correspondent “G Squared”. One particular article had us scratching our heads. It addressed the subject of the apparent spectacular success of Ivermectin […]
HAARP hasn’t been mentioned in quite some time here at Uncensored, but todays unprecedented shake in Melbourne Australia has surely got to arouse suspicion. Martin Harris 22/9/21 With Victoria deep in the grip of The Lock Step Scenario, and a never-ending cycle of clashes between lockdown protestors and police, and […]