Why has the much hyped hyperloop been scaled back to a Tesla-in-a-tunnel? No doubt many readers will be familiar with the RAND concept for an underground Rapid Transit System and the persistent rumours that the weird rattles and booms coming from underground across the US are a result of either […]
Editor’s Comment
Stanton Friedman seems to have been a fixture of the world of UFO research since forever. It’s hard to pick up a book on the subject from my extensive ufological library that doesn’t refer to Friedman’s research in some context. So it was with some sadness that I read the […]
As May retreats in tears after repeated Brexit “launch failures”, it seems the odds, (and “odd”is the operative word here) favour Boris Johnson as the next PM. I truly fear for the future of Britain. Truly, deeply. MH Boris Johnson is frontrunner for PM but he’ll face the same Brexit […]
Will the Trade War turn “kinetic”? Personally I doubt it: China knows the US is “master” of military warfare and they will do everything to avoid that scenario. China’s speciality is economic warfare. I suspect by the tone of the Huawei communications, the US may have beaten them at their […]
They came to Christchurch to escape terror in the Middle East, but terror found them where they least expected it. But it seems we can not give them time to grieve their loss, nor the decency to consult them. Instead their tragedy, which has affected all in Christchurch, is being […]
“The decisions came after environmental lobby group Extinction Rebellion NZ protested at several venues across New Zealand last month.” So says NZ Herald, in an article titled: ‘The science is irrefutable’: Two regional councils declare climate emergency Sometimes I am gob-smacked by the gullibility and feeble minded ignorance. Clearly no […]
Probably not much, is the short answer. By Martin Harris, 12/5/19 A recent UN report claims that “up to a million species of plants and animals are declining at a rate previously unseen in human history.” Well, that’s hardly surprising. It’s being blamed on climate change. Again, hardly surprising. “Human […]
NZ Health Minister David Clark appears to have been caught out via a leaked document being gleefully brandished by the Opposition. Telling the public there are no current plans for a Sugar Tax, but behind the façade the opposite appears to be the case. Why would he do this, and […]
Mainstream media sources are having a field day with the latest findings from NZ’s Antarctic research team that suggest that a certain portion of the ice cover, the Ross Ice Shelf, is melting at a vastly greater rate than the rest of the continent. Naturally, “man made” climate change is […]
China or the USA? It looks like countries like NZ, Australia and even the UK that are juggling alliances with the two major superpowers will soon have s to start making some tough choices. First let’s take a look at the Chinese Belt And Road global “silk road”: New Silk […]