‘Somehow, we’ve embraced this false notion that discrimination can be good and it simply cannot’ Tyler DawsonNational PostWed, 27 Apr 2022 The University of Waterloo has restricted hiring for at least three top-tier research positions to certain demographic groups, in two instances excluding applications from all cisgender men — whether they are […]
Veteran protestors and activists will already know this, but for those who still question the validity of Civil Disobedience. This is why thousands marched maskless and un-distanced through the anti-Covid-mandate protests. Excellent presentation! Academy of Ideas 1.34M subscribers Access 45+ membership videos (more added each month) ► http://academyofideas.com/members/ **Join via […]
‘There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.’ (Nelson Mandela) Published by Barbara McKenzie Barbara McKenzie has a PhD in in German Literature. View all posts by Barbara McKenzie Masking children is not indicated and a huge threat to child well-being, while […]
Shocking truth. This FOI release came out a MONTH ago. No mention in the Mainstream Media. READ AND SHARE! Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes Release date:16 December 2021 FOI Ref: FOI/2021/3240 You asked Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes. […]
Educate yourself on the risks vs benefits… the rollout for NZ children begins on 17 January 2022: From Pam Vernon @ EWR Articles on topic: There are just two root studies that ‘prove’ the safety of the CV VX for children – and both are conducted by Pfizer WARNING TO […]
…are doomed to repeat it. So here’s little history lesson: During WW2, lockdowns were only for Jews. These were the ‘measures’ then: Jewish students were no longer allowed to study at university. On March 12 1942, they were no longer allowed to have their own company. April 1: Jews in […]
Already happened in New Zealand, this is how it’s going down in Canada. Teachers with the Toronto District School Board are now dismissed as “Covidiots” thanks to not wanting to get jabbed. Rebel News1.52M subscribers FULL REPORT from David Menzies ► https://rebelne.ws/3HCg596 Rebel News: Telling the other side of the […]
An ominous parallel between the day of the Christchurch mosque attacks and a Covid lockdown in China. Martin Harris 4/11/21 This author well remembers the day of Brenton Tarrant’s attack on two Christchurch mosques, March 15 2019, a few months before Covid would dominate the News. The narrative being immediately […]
Its all over the MSM today as the NZ teachers mandatory jab looms. Many teachers quitting over the principle rather than specifically the vaccine itself (although a few have expressed distrust of the science). But the government will have expected the fallout, and probably wants it to happen. The mandate […]
In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a […]