Following the trend of using blatant lies like the 97% consensus claim, the Globalist players continue to hoodwink the Mainstream Media with easily debunkable figures. Read on…MH The leading media worldwide cranked up the volume when it spread the news of how a statement had been published in the journal […]
Do the global warming wars ever change anyone’s mind? From I suppose there are a few people whose minds have been changed. As I recall, Judith Curry has said Climategate (now “celebrating” its 10 year anniversary) was her wake-up call that institutionalized climate science might not be all it […]
Although DoC said it’s ‘UNLIKELY’ the deaths of 600+ rats found at a Westport beach were caused by 1080, independent lab testing confirms they “ALMOST CERTAINLY” were. EWR by Carol Sawyer Via Pam Vernon, Envirowatch Rangitikei 1 – 3 November, 2019 – The Dept of Conservation aerially drops 104 tonnes […]
Truly sickening! It’s time for the madness of 1080 poisoning to end before we destroy our ecosystem completely. MH “Flora and Fauna Aotearoa and Clean Green New Zealand Trust believe a precautionary approach should have been adopted whilst testing was underway. The beach should immediately have been closed to the […]
Professor Robert Pickard, emeritus professor of neurobiology at Cardiff University, said the agricultural industry had been ‘the butt of an enormous journalistic effort to sell copy by producing totally indefensible headlines’ about red meat causing cancer. Abi KayFarmers GuardianMon, 11 Nov 2019 00:01 UTC Prof Pickard also hit out at […]
Is it true? Is there actually a push from certain quarters to make the eating of insects more palatable to Westerners? And if so, why? Paul Joseph WatsonSott.netSun, 10 Nov 2019 03:11 UTC
Where is the Extinction Rebellion when a real environmental catastrophe takes place? Busy vandalizing and nuisance-making in the name of a fake “climate emergency”. Meanwhile our forests and national parks are being decimated! MH Here’s Pam Vernon at Envirowatch Rangitikei with the facts: Workers report that nothing is alive now […]
Well, this is rather “coincidental” after the Dem’s call for Fracking restrictions in the US. And in both instances tied in with impending elections…? Having been involved in anti-fracking protest here in Christchurch NZ (right after the big ‘quake of 2011) I’m essentially opposed to hydraulic fracturing both for the […]
Eyeing more restrictions on drilling following the 2020 presidential election, some U.S. oil and gas companies may accelerate fracking on public lands over the next year. Concho Resources said that in order to mitigate risk from a potential ban on fracking in 2021, the company is running rigs on its […]
Author Roy Spencer Ph.D. Is a Climatologist and former NASA scientist, so he knows his stuff! MH Summer and early Fall are fire season in California. It has always been this way. Most summers experience virtually no precipitation over much of California, which means that the vegetation that grows during […]