Conspire: Literally to “breathe together”. To collude. And that is exactly what the NZ mainstream media did this week with regards to the climate change/global warming narrative. So here’s our response. by Martin Harris 20/9/19 The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre and TVNZ locked arms this […]
Must read! An fantastic article and a worthy theory that ties together many loose ends on the Mars-Antarctica connection. Well worth exploring this avenue further. Hats off to the author! MH Pierre LescaudronSott.netSat, 14 Sep 2019 18:31 UTC While finalizing the writing of the article titled “Of Flash Frozen Mammoths […]
Natural, artificial,or a bit of both? The RT article is somewhat ambiguous on the matter, but be assured we will be following this news closely: We love Antarctica mysteries! MH RTThu, 12 Sep 2019 12:34 UTC Polar explorers have discovered a monumental “lost” ice cave with three floors, a giant […]
Like a scenario from a Japanese monster movie come to horrible life. What more fitting way to herald the Radioactive Olympics than a dumping of irradiated water into the Pacific? Attn. Socialists: You want an environmental emergency to wring your hands over? A real one rather than some concocted “climate […]
The facts you need to know about the latest announcement in the never-ending media-monster circus. Are there real monsters behind the hype? by Martin Harris Since long before the author took a direct interest in geopolitics and the New World Order, I’ve been a keen student of Cryptozoology. So I […]
Picture this: A billion-ton coronal mass ejection (CME) slams into Earth’s magnetic field. Campers in the Rocky Mountains wake up in the middle of the night, thinking that the glow they see is sunrise. No, it’s the Northern Lights. People in Cuba read their morning paper by the red illumination […]
Department of Conservation reports of a rat explosion in the Northern Ruahine Ranges defy credibility and show the department was “out of its depth” in wilderness management according to a sporting hunters’ organisation. From Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of NZ Inc Via Pam Vernon at Envirowatch Rangitikei Laurie Collins […]
“Record wildfires in the Amazon” shrieks the press, and apparently it is Brazilian President Bolsonaro who is to blame, and not global warming (though there is not much difference. Surprised they did not blame it on Trump as well). By Paul Homewood I’ve only been gone a couple of days, […]
Some guidance in how to hold your local council accountable for their possible involvement with the roll out of 5G. Please read full info at the link. See also the related information at the website. From Pam Vernon at EWR From All United Kingdom and Common Wealth residents can […]
Must Read! Important link and information from Act now: Time is of the essence! Read it and share it. PLEASE: Share this link as quickly and as widely as you can! Thanks.