1.00 PM Sunday – 21 November Are You Fed up with Having Unworkable Regulations Forced on You? Have You Had Enough of Your Freedom & Rights Being Taken from You? Join Us In THE MOTHER OF ALL PROTESTS1pm Sunday 21 NOV 2021 Stand with Groundswell against Unworkable Regulations! Enough Is […]
There is no science to vaccinating children against Covid-19. And yet governments globally continue rolling out vaccines for children, pressuring both parents and children into getting them. Sott.netSun, 07 Nov 2021 © Sott.net Meanwhile, for the first time since the so-called pandemic began in early 2020, there has been a […]
Lewis Brackpool shares a tip that was sent to Rebel News from a British Airways flight attendant who, while in Barbados for work, had a pair of bracelets placed on their wrist. One, a red band, marked the flight attendant as being from an “at-risk country.” The other, a white […]
Despite the rain, thousands participated. Next weekend there will be thousands more. Freedom is our call. Now is the time. People from all backgrounds, all walks of life, put aside their differences to protest a common adversary. An adversary that speaks of love, inclusivity and diversity, yet practices hatred, division […]
I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab. From Pauline Hanson Australians have a right not to be bullied, threatened […]
MAGA: Make Ardern Go Away! Image from theBFD. Full article here: The BFD | PM Tells Auckland ‘You Complete Me’
A legal battle to overturn the Government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate has fallen flat in the High Court. As told by Newshub: Four midwives had challenged the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 (the Act), which requires them to be vaccinated against the virus to do their job. They didn’t […]
So, where are all these “Far Right extremists” and “Nazis” that TVNZ and the other media clowns were bleating on about? I see regular folk from all walks of life engaging in peaceful protest and exercising their civil rights. MH I hear reports there were protestors lined up along the […]
Yet another call for aid! Here’s a petition request from Family First: After just 48 hours, we’ve got 14,200+ signatures on our petition. But we need many more if we want the Government (and media!) to take any notice. THIS IS URGENT! Unfortunately, under the current proposal by the Government, thousands […]
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out for Science have lit the beacon. They are aiding us and calling for aid in return. NOW IS THE TIME. Dear Martin, friends and supporters You may be aware of the sudden amendment late on Friday the 5th of November to the Covid-19 Public Health […]