Who’s pulling the strings? Television New Zealand’s reporting of the Hong Kong riots is a cause for considerable concern By Martin Harris 1/9/19 As the Hong Kong protests enter yet another week unabated, the contrast in mainstream news coverage is rather extraordinary in it’s contrasts. This morning, Al Jazeera’s coverage […]
Outstanding research and detail from Vicky Davis at The Technocratic Tyranny blog. Some essential history and background on where we are today and how we got here: By: Vicky Davison: August 01, 2019 On July 8, 2016, Howard Raiffa died in his home in Tucson Arizona at the age of […]
If there is one thing Americans on the Left and Right can agree upon today it’s that we are all being spied on way too much. (Natural News) If there is one thing Americans on the Left and Right can agree upon today it’s that we are all being spied […]
Queen Elizabeth has approved British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend parliament according to a statement from the Queen’s advisers, known as the Privy Council. “It is this day ordered by Her Majesty in Council that the Parliament be prorogued on a day no earlier than Monday the 9th […]
The Tavistock Institute is dedicated to re-engineering society to serve the Illuminati. It’s time we told politicians, media and “educators” that we are tired of being messed with and lied to. This article exposes their hand in all the bizarreness. We should not underestimate the Evil we face. The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry by Russ […]
The AIM-AFI research teams reviewed the Grassley – Johnson Investigation of the DOJ’s and FBI’s Handling of the Clinton Investigation. Their initial findings are highlighted below the audio. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben talk about these national security crimes. Hillary is a Chinese Agent Hillary was our first […]
In the aftermath of the most recent attacks by Antifa terrorists against conservative groups in Portland, Oregon, some Democrats are now proclaiming that Antifa is actually just a misunderstood, “peaceful” group of resisting patriots that’s merely trying to “safeguard” the city of Portland against far-right Nazis. (Natural News) According to […]
Regular readers will know that this author gives Socialists a hard time, and with good reason. But believe it or not, I do have Left Wing friends and enjoy a constructive and lively debate with them. And there is one particular celebrity of the Socialist movement whom I greatly enjoy […]
“Mass shooters have no particular ideology…Nor are mass shooters a white problem or a black problem” Says Paul Craig Roberts. And he presents the data to back up that assertion. And yet across the Western World, there is an agenda to make us think otherwise. MH By Paul Craig Roberts […]
Through disturbing symbolism, the video “In My Bed” by Disney star Sabrina Carpenter is a blatant celebration of MKULTRA and the sick culture of the occult elite By Vigilant Citizen on August 17, 2019 Sabrina Carpenter is one of the many child stars who grew inside the Disney system who […]