Heaven in ancient times was the abode of wrathful deities who gave us signs of ill omen in the night sky, and sometimes punishment by fire and brimstone. Science has opened our eyes to the heavens and what’s up there, but science also brought us a new reason to look […]
Vax by aerosol has been the subject of hoaxes several times in the past, but this time there’s some substance to the story. Read on… From mercola.com Video Link Story at-a-glance Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also […]
NOW is the time. Take action against the WHO before its too late! If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023. https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti… More useful links from James; https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/a… http://StopTheAmendments.com http://ExitTheWHO.org (worldwide) http://ExitTheWHO.com […]
MEP Anderson took no prisoners in her latest warning to the globalitarian elite. Vigilant NewsWed, 20 Sep 2023 Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of […]
National has announced a plan for when they get the power of the purse: pay doctors up to $52m to persuade Kiwis to get vaccinated. We need to be able to trust doctors AUTHOR: JH via The BFD The Immunisation Incentive Payments scheme would see GP clinics paid a lump […]
“And the word “courage” should be reserved to characterize the man or woman who leaves the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind.” Sam Keen, Fire in the Belly By https://academyofideas.com/ In the privacy of our minds many of us disagree with the ideologies, political agendas, and government mandates of our […]
As the world remembers the collapse of the WTC back in 9/11 2001, and regardless of what you believe about who was responsible or how and why, we also remember Trump’s uncanny “prediction” that hints at reality being not quite what it seems. How did he know? (A while back […]
This is most encouraging. looks like The Lock Step Scenario has entered the Push-back phase. People have had enough of mandates and fascism! Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov 1.36M subscribers Lock Step Scenario? here’s a reminder: Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development.pdf (PDFy mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, […]
Hats off to Sean Plunkett at The Platform for a great review of this vital documentary and of the Freedom Protest movement it depicted, of which many of us were a part.
An absolute tour-de-force from Moon YT channel. A real truth-bomb presentation that everyone should watch and share! Predictably, YouTube have age-restricted this video in a weak attempt to prevent it reaching those who need to see it most. Please give the video a “like” to defeat the dreaded algorithm and […]