More Than One Hundred Retired U.S. Generals and Admirals Call Into Question The Legitimacy Of Biden’s Election Win Introduction – May 13, 2021 From the truthseeker As reported below, more than one hundred former U.S. Generals and Admirals have signed a letter calling into question the authenticity of Biden’s election […]

Following an intense wave of backlash, the Coca-Cola Company has suspended an aggressive “diversity” plan that called for anti-white racial quotas and other racist initiatives. Ethan Huff – Natural News May 8, 2021 The change was made almost immediately after Coke’s former general counsel Bradley Gayton abruptly resigned last month after less […]

Virus warfare’ in China: military documents Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic, outlining their ideas in a document that predicted a “third world war would be fought with biological weapons”. from Ben Vidgen A document written by Chinese scientists and Chinese public […]

Great advice for those struggling to argue logically and objectively against the illogical and subjective convictions of the “Cancel Culture” Critical Theory brigade. MH Grace DanielThe American MindMon, 03 May 2021 Wherever, however, don’t back down… Most “cancel culture” stories are brutal and alarming. It seems no one is safe […]

Conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats trying to keep the aliens from beaming messages into their heads? Evil scientists using spinning pinwheels and special potions to brainwash their hapless victims into doing their bidding? Sci-fi stories about remote-controlled people? James CorbettCorbett ReportSat, 08 May 2021 When you think of “mind control,” […]

Is this why India has become the new “ground zero” for COVID media hype? by Martin Harris 8/5/21 It started a few weeks back as a local (NZ) thing: A sudden spike in positive COVID cases in Managed Isolation, all reportedly form India, resulting in a controversial border closure between […]

Bring back David Lange. Yes I now he’s departed this mortal plane. I mean his spirit. We’ve lost it. by Martin Harris 7/5/21 The author arrived as a permanent resident of New Zealand in 1982, fleeing mass unemployment and looming threat of nuclear annihilation (according the media at least). Leaving […]

Russell Brand has come a long way since he used to rubbish the idea of the “Illuminati”. I subbed to his YouTube channel a while ago and he has some great content (worth watching his debates with Jordan Peterson, textbook examples of how to disagree respectfully). Take a look at […]
