The ever-popular British mainstream health professional Dr. John Campbell applies his astute analysis to a new abstract claiming some chilling findings: “Totally massive, absolutely massive…This merits an official response” Dr. John Campbell. Does the risk of a heart attack increase from 11% up to 25%? Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines […]

Am I saying we are programmable?  Hell yea!  Think about it…  We program our children as to how we desire they should perform by telling them over and over and over again what we want them to do. by Joyce Bowen What is malware? Malware is a catch-all term […]

And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, […]

Miracle in Japan: Delta cases plummet! Antivirals in Japan Ivermectin allowed as a treatment on August 13 Doctors can prescribe without restrictions People can buy it legally from India Dr. Haruo Ozaki, Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association… The situation is that the whole country is suffering from disasters. […]

The Consequences Would Collapse Supply Chains and Civic Society A very interesting interview with Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Association. During a House Transportation Committee hearing on supply chain issues, CEO Chris Spear shares an internal survey showing that 37% of truck drivers “not only […]

Already happened in New Zealand, this is how it’s going down in Canada. Teachers with the Toronto District School Board are now dismissed as “Covidiots” thanks to not wanting to get jabbed. Rebel News1.52M subscribers FULL REPORT from David Menzies ► Rebel News: Telling the other side of the […]

Two months and one day after it was sued, and close to 3 months since it licensed Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the FDA released the first round of documents it reviewed before licensing this product. The production consisted of 91 pdf pages, one xpt file, and one txt file. You can download […]
