After gay marriage was foisted on NZ in 2013, I was warned by a Canadian friend that the next thing to be pushed would be the transgender agenda. She was right. By Jo Blogs, This is what I saw at the Girls’ school I attended when we went there […]
hidden agenda 2030
White Supremacy is lurking everywhere. Chris Chapell provides the info you need to know to recognise those pesky far-right-ers and their evil schemes… Cows milk. Hard work. Math. What do these things all have in common? Apparently racism, specifically white supremacy. In this episode of America Uncovered, we look at […]
No surprises there really, since it has been proven that masks were a waste of time everywhere else. And yet, in the face of all this overwhelming evidence, NZ’s Ministry of Health continues to promote masks and a surprising number of uninformed people still wear them in public. Amazing what […]
Silenced Documentary Reveals Media, Medical and Academic Censorship in NZ Important note: The documentary appears to have been removed from the source, but an alternative source is available here: (Thanks Richard for your vigilance on this, and I will follow up and update as necessary). 7th April, 2023. From Aly Cook […]
As Ardern gives her valediction (or should that be malediction?) we think this an appropriate time to remember her reign and what she did for (and to) New Zealand. to that effect we present this great article by Martin Hanson. Jacinda Ardern: Saint or Psychopath? Author; Martin Hanson While […]
Beyond brilliant! Should be compulsory viewing in every school. Spoiler: you will get to see an animated Klaus Schwab. Watch his eyes 😉 249,362 views Mar 2, 2023 A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous […]
Emotional and heartbreaking. This is the trauma and indignity we are imposing on our women. This is why bowing down to Woke agendas must stop. And it’s things like this that are encouraging a swing to the political Right. We’ve gone way too far. MH In this emotional video, Riley […]
“When will this government realize that Orwell’s 1984 was NOT an instruction manual?” Pierre Poilievre. When your popularity CRASHES Clown Planet Will Trudeau follow the example of his New Zealand “twin” Ardern and make a quiet exit before the humiliation of an election defeat? This all seems to have been […]
Pendulum indeed! There’s no labelling the perpetrator of this atrocity as “Far Right”. From a New Zealand perspective, the timing appears strangely coincident to the rabid behaviour of trans protestors at the recent Posie Parker incident. Regular readers will note that we at Uncensored predicted this year would see a […]
JP Morgan becomes the latest to roll out invasive point-of-sale biometric payment plan, following Visa, MasterCard and Amazon Leo Hohmann – March 27, 2023 While Americans get increasingly hypnotized by 2024 election coverage, where all they’re hearing about is the theatrics surrounding Donald Trump, the globalists and technocrats are […]