Today I contacted the Human Rights Commission in response to the government’s CO-ronavirusV-accine-ID certificate rollout announcement. Their website information seems somewhat out of date. Martin Harris 5/10/21 My Email to HRC: Hi guys Time you updated the info on your page: Human Rights Commission :: Covid-19 vaccine and human rights […]
hidden agenda 2030
This is what courage looks like. (If this was about Climate Change this student would be hailed as the next Greta Thunberg). RTSun, 10 Oct 2021 A 16-year-old high school girl was arrested and her entire school locked down, all over her refusal to wear a face mask. Her arrest caused […]
We posted a video last week in which Kieran Morrissey warned that the next phase in the Bill Gates inspired attack on public health would come in the form of the Marburg virus. As if in confirmation, armed men attacked his house last night, and the Irish police refused to […]
Dear NZ Government, I reject this Amendment Bill as well as the original Health Response Bill No.1. In particular I reject all aspects of it related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Any continued roll out of the current mass vaccine programme, especially the continuation and increasing powers of vaccine mandates through […]
Which Became The ‘COVID-19 MRNA Vaccine’ Because People Were Not Afraid Enough Of The Flu Virus NIGHTBREED 4082 subscribers
Meme of the day. Like it? Share it!
Australians: Watch the reaction at 5:02. AMAZING! NOTE: Since this video was embedded, YouTube has seen fit to attempt to restrict access to it, despite their being nothing offensive about whatsoever…unless one finds the truth offensive. Even more reason to hop on Outer Light’s channel and give your support! MH […]
Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there, according to a report from researchers in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Masaya KatoNikkei AsiaMon, 04 Oct 2021 About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on […]
The public have been repeatedly told that the Covid-19 vaccines are “100% safe and effective” because they have been through the same rigorous testing every other approved vaccine has been through, despite the fact it took less than a year to allegedly formulate a vaccine, test it, and “get it […]
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.” – Charles Fort As usual, a comprehensive update of current events in Australia and worldwide from Max at The Crowhouse. Never give up, never lose hope. MH […]