Quebec delays health worker vaccine mandate, but protests continue Alexa Lavoie was on the scene as thousands of protesters continued to rally against Quebec’s healthcare worker vaccine mandate after the government announced the policy would be delayed by another month. Rebel News1.51M subscribersSUBSCRIBEDFULL UNCENSORED REPORT: Alexa Lavoie was on […]
Mandatory Covid Vaccine
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Ardern calls everyday freedom a “reward” for the vaccinated, after PROMISING there would be no penalties for the unvaccinated. Martin If you are not vaccinated, there will be everyday things you will miss out on, the prime minister says. A new Covid-19 response framework is being finalised […]
Most Uncensored readers I am sure are resolutely Anti-Vax in all respects. Which is fine and an informed choice everyone should be entitled to make without prejudice. Some though, are specifically opposed to the mRNA jab. What are the options? The question I get asked most is “what about the […]
” US President Ronald Reagan’s famous expression, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help” used to bring a chuckle from New Zealanders, who traditionally regarded ‘The Government’ as benign. Not any more.” COVID WINSBy Dr Muriel Newman US […]
NZ Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield recently stated that COVID vaccine immunity is stronger and longer lasting than natural immunity (ie those who have been exposed to SARS CoV-2 and recovered). Is this true? Lets find out! Martin Harris 16/10/21 …mRNA vaccines also possess some inherent limitations. While side […]
Air Traffic Controllers at Jacksonville, Florida airport WALKED-OUT of their jobs last night over the COVID vaccine mandate. Six-hundred-fifty airline flights had to be canceled because of the walk-out. Hal Turner – The Hal Turner Radio Show Oct 9, 2021 In addition to Jacksonville, Florida, there are also reports that […]
Its all over the MSM today as the NZ teachers mandatory jab looms. Many teachers quitting over the principle rather than specifically the vaccine itself (although a few have expressed distrust of the science). But the government will have expected the fallout, and probably wants it to happen. The mandate […]
Share share share Thanks to Jon Eisen LINK TO VERIFICATION: Coronavirus: Jacinda Ardern confident enough Kiwis will get COVID-19 vaccine for herd immunity without being forced to | Newshub On Tuesday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went a step further, saying not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those […]
Police swore an oath to the people NOT the Government Dave Lee54.3K subscribers My blog : #policeoath#policecorruption#australianpolice Help me make videos : Support me :
•Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 66% [52‑76%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials. •Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 30 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. •Results are very robust — in […]