But here on Earth, madness rules… Is it any surprise no aliens…ETs…err…xenomorphs…whatever…have never openly announced their presence to us Earth dwellers? Thanks to Tyler at Secureteam10 for this snippet of insanity. Martin.
…Of the media manipulation and collusion that’s going on everywhere. 14-Year Old Dies FROM Covid? Fake News Does It Again! Viva Frei Vlawg Viva Frei385K subscribersJOIN Fake news deserves to mocked mercilessly. Here’s my best effort. This story is enough to make your stomach turn. Join this channel to get […]
If you believe in a “Deep State” embedded in the US government, then you’re falling down the conspiracy “rabbit hole,” the Washington Post claims. Yet the Post believes this theory too. It just doesn’t call it a ‘Deep State’. RTFri, 08 Oct 2021 Nine in 10 Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory, researchers found earlier this […]
29/9/21 Moments ago I received notification that this video (now removed by uploader as stated below from earlier update) has been confirmed a deliberate hoax. Details here; Experts debunk latest Loch Ness Monster drone sighting as a ‘hoax’ – Edinburgh Live As is my regular practice, I will leave this […]
An oldie but a goodie. Share with all your friends who think the Mainstream News is honest, objective and unbiased! Sinclair’s script for stations (MIRROR) #FakeNews (bitchute.com) Public domain movies Anon
Project Veritas has just released the first and second videos of its COVID vaccine investigative series featuring an interview with U.S. Health and Human Services [HHS] insider, Jodi O’Malley, who works as a Registered Nurse at the local Indian Medical Center. Project Veritas – Sept 20, 2021 Dr. Maria Gonzales, […]
“Brand New Cherry Flavor” is a Netflix series about an aspiring movie director who gets involved with a Hollywood witch. Here’s how the crazy events of this series relate to the dark practices that actually happen in Hollywood … behind closed doors. Vigilant Citizen – Sept 21, 2021 Warning: Gigantic […]
Say the right things you too can be hanging out with the beautiful people in Telly Land new Celebrity chock competition Covid A Game of Charade where what you say is more important than what you do in this game of two faces. By BEN VIDGEN “The Dyslexic Detective” In […]
A guy takes the Astra-Zeneca Jab, gets blood clots requiring amputation of his leg. He’s now out PROMOTING the vaccine to others! HAL TURNER 06 SEPTEMBER 2021 Let me see if I have this right: The guy gets the “clot-shot” – the mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a COVID-19 “Vaccine.” It […]
Superb 2020 documentary The Creepy Line: Highly recommended viewing. MH The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it. Offering first-hand accounts, scientific experiments and […]