While the MSM protects Biden daily with crafty editing-out of his gaffes and bizarre behaviour, this is what the world ought to know about the fake president. MH Maria Piacesi, the niece of Montana Senator Steve Daines, has revealed that Joe Biden squeezed her nipple in front of the world’s […]
Some Disinformation we are Disinclined to Disseminate…! by Martin Harris 3/7/21 It seems the Alternative and independent media are getting too tough to crack with straightforward propaganda. This week three items bearing all the classic hallmarks of carefully crafted disinformation have been proffered to this author, and the team at […]
“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”” To get people so high on drugs that they transcended their slave state and didn’t care about it”– Aldous Huxley Brave New World NIGHTBREED
Mainstream journalism has become a travesty. They should be covering the stories, but they have mostly become participants in the official policy of censoring objective scientific inquiry. from Jonathan Eisen People who are asking intelligent questions, doing their homework and questioning official “truths” are being labelled “conspiracy theorists” – and […]
EWR Note:this article by Peter Williams was removed from the magic.co.nz website, fortunately it had already been copied. Read below here, the link at the end of course will take you to an error page. From Pam Vernon EWR The Health Forum NZ @ fb also posted Monday’s show. Peter Williams […]
When RT was forced to register as a ‘foreign agent’ by American authorities four years ago, it sparked a chain of events that saw the network banned from press events, cut off from potential partners and delisted on social media. RTSun, 06 Jun 2021 Speaking at a roundtable on press […]
Share, share, share! Everyone should see this presentation. watch at link below: Are you getting the vaccine? You better watch this before you do (bitchute.com) NIGHTBREED 3348 subscribers roflcopterOriginal source unknown.
MSM footage from India follows a familiar pattern; it’s becoming rather well-worn and obvious smoke-and-mirrors stuff now, as this clip “pulling aside the Wizard’s curtain” demonstrates! MH No surprises knowing the acceptable narrative from MSM. Watch at the link: Thanks to the ever-vigilant Pam Vernon who has become the tireless […]
Hollywood stars get Swag-bags containing $250,000 worth of “goodies” as they pontificate about poverty and inequality. Sick. Sad. Hypocritical. Oscars go Woke, and unpopular. MH. Sky News Australia 1.5M subscribers Virtue signalling has replaced meritocracy at the Oscars, an event which reminds us “how far we have slid into madness,” […]
Last night I left the news on to see how the events in India were being reported, and we were shown images of funeral pyres and Indian people needing oxygen tanks. I checked the images with Alt News, an Indian non-profit fact checking website. By Jo Blogs, Red Sky in the Morning The […]