This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda. It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian Jan 5, 2024 So, what’s with all the fake crying? Rachel Maddow pretended to cry about “kids in cages”. Matt Hancock […]
No doubt Epstein revelations and denials will continue to filter out and be misrepresented by the Mainstream Media for weeks to come. meanwhile, you can bypass the BS and take a look for yourselves at the link below: Microsoft Word – Exhibit 5 ( This takes you up to page […]
How does the legacy media collude to destroy independent voices by systematically repeating the exact same messaging? This is how. Russell Brand 6.71M subscribers Support Me Directly HERE: WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble:
Poland, new pro-European Union government under Donald Tusk has seized control of public broadcasters in the country, firing the management boards of TVP and Polskie Radio, and taking the channels off-air. From The Expose (link below) The move sparked a sit-in protest by the conservative Law and Justice party at […]
Videos hand-picked from YouTube for information, education, and thought. All from channels I sub to and recommend. Why compose a waffly article for each one when I can just lump them all together? Enjoy! MH The Worst Medical Experiment in US History is Worse Than You Thought (advance warning, there’s […]
NZ Government Deputy PM Winston peters “triggered” the MSM recently by accusing them of accepting a bribe from Jacinda Ardern’s Labour government. Peters, like Donald Trump, knows how to control the news-cycle by making outrageous (but essentially true) statements. So what was it about? The media of course, while “explaining” […]
Frank Herbert, the author of Dune, warned about humanity becoming slaves to our own technology and “thinking machines”. I loathe AI with a vengeance. Especially ChatGPT. Nick cave and Stephen fry I both have the utmost respect for, however. Martin Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave’s stirring letter about ChatGPT and […]
The horror! The trauma! How did those security guys and cops deal with all those rampaging, rabid, neo-Nazis? See for yourself… In light of the mass release of J6 video footage (as mocked in the above vid), which largely shows Capital Police giving guided tours of the Capitol building, I […]
Two video presentations highlighting aspects of the latest NWO theatre in Gaza, both feature the hypocrisy and falsehoods at work.
Christchurch’s own Chris Lynch, a one-man force on local news, interviews Winston Peters, covering the controversial vax mandate exemptions and of course, the imminent NZ elections. Kudos to Lynch for giving Peters a quality interview in direct contrast to the Jack Tame “ambush” last week. MH Chris Lynch Media 11,319 […]