This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda. It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian Jan 5, 2024 So, what’s with all the fake crying? Rachel Maddow pretended to cry about “kids in cages”. Matt Hancock […]

How does the legacy media collude to destroy independent voices by systematically repeating the exact same messaging? This is how. Russell Brand 6.71M subscribers Support Me Directly HERE: WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble:

NZ Government Deputy PM Winston peters “triggered” the MSM recently by accusing them of accepting a bribe from Jacinda Ardern’s Labour government. Peters, like Donald Trump, knows how to control the news-cycle by making outrageous (but essentially true) statements. So what was it about? The media of course, while “explaining” […]

Christchurch’s own Chris Lynch, a one-man force on local news, interviews Winston Peters, covering the controversial vax mandate exemptions and of course, the imminent NZ elections. Kudos to Lynch for giving Peters a quality interview in direct contrast to the Jack Tame “ambush” last week. MH Chris Lynch Media 11,319 […]
