ACT NOW! Send a submission while there is still time! From Natural News; Monday, January 16, 2023 by: Lance D Johnson New Zealand government is trying to outlaw hundreds of harmless medicines that promote healthy immune function Monday, January 16, 2023 by: Lance D Johnson, WHO This article may contain statements that reflect […]

Talk about transparent! I think we all know what this Bill means without me having to spell it out. here’s the alert from Pam Vernon at EWR: SOURCE: Submissions invited from the public by 28th September, not long to go. This of course comes right at the same time […]

There is a massive ongoing Nationwide Campaign To Take down Nancy Pelosi for insider trading. Nancy Pelosi has made millions of dollars with privileged information she obtains by being a member of Congress. Nancy Pelosi and her husband reportedly made over $5 million from insider trading just before the lockdowns. […]

PLEASE SIGN A PETITION DEMANDING RECOGNITION, TREATMENT AND COMPENSATION That the house of representatives in New Zealand formally recognise those harmed by the Covid-19 vaccines. As of 28 February, 2022 there have been 58,399 reports of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine in New Zealand. These injuries are recorded on […]
