Mainstream Media reports on the Wellington situation have been mixed and confusing. But what does one expect? Is this protest over or just heating up? As the protest stemming from the Freedom Convoy reaches it’s third day, we’ve had figures ranging from a “a few hundred disruptive protestors” to “a […]

Updates and coverage thanks very much to Pam Vernon at EWR Update Tues 8 Feb 22: The NZ convoy of protesters is now in Wellington at Parliament. I’ve read in an RNZ article the PM does not intend to speak with protesters (of course, no surprises there from the ‘one source of truth’). I’ve also […]

Just keeping everyone informed. Defend your Freedoms ! Note the venue change; The Freedoms & Rights Coalition The change of venue is necessary for a couple of reasons: 1) Many from around the whole North Island are travelling to this event, so South Auckland is a bit closer for those […]

An awesome start to the year’s protest actions. And a surprise speaker! The weather was kind and so were the people. Freedoms and Rights representatives from various parts of the country took the stage, and an emotional speech from Ashleigh, the brave partner of Rory Nairn (see this link). And […]
