I’ve talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big. STEVE KIRSCH 22/10/2023 This is important. This tweet has over 1M views in just 6 hours. Please read the entire thread and PLEASE hit the retweet […]

NOW is the time. Take action against the WHO before its too late! If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023. https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti… More useful links from James; https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/a… http://StopTheAmendments.com http://ExitTheWHO.org (worldwide) http://ExitTheWHO.com […]

Late Friday afternoon Sue Grey received news that the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal has struck out charges against her and found no case to answer as she had not breached professional standards.  Media Release Saturday 5th of August, 2023.  (From New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party)  A Win for Sue Grey […]

 The Therapeutic Products Act, passed this week by the government under urgency, could be the final nail in the coffin for the New Zealand natural health industry, the Natural Health Alliance, a group representing importers, exporters, retailers, distributors, and practitioners of natural health products, said today. https://www.naturalhealthalliance.co.nz/therapeutic-products-act-is-it-the-final-nail-in-the-coffin-for-the-natural-health-industry/[3] * Government legislates […]

Liz Gunn shares a crucial message with all voters who care about the future of New Zealand in this upcoming 2023 election https://nzloyal.org.nz Liz Gunn – NZL 28/06/2023 New Zealand Loyal – The FreeNZ Editorial (substack.com) Casey Hodgkinson Interview – https://youtu.be/UB_5pL74EoA Dr Bruce Dooley – Federation Of State Medical Boards – https://rumble.com/v1lbjvd-the-dark-truth-of-americas-federation-of-state-medical-boards.html […]

Petition update from Aly Cook. If you haven’t signed, NOW is the time! Hi Everyone  Just an update and a plea for one more share out there of my petition .  Firstly the 3000 signatures that disappeared .  NZ petitions never put them back; they claimed that they were people signing […]
