Consider that NZ PM Ardern describes herself as Democratic Socialist. Interesting listen. === In this video we explore why Orwell believed totalitarianism was a great risk in the modern West, contrasting his ideas with those of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. === Get the transcript ►… Sign […]
If you downloaded the latest iOS update back in May, and any following updates, then congratulations…your COVID-19 infection status will likely soon be tracked by state health officials as part of each state’s contact tracing efforts. Tyler Durden JUNE 19, 2020 By Tyler Durden Many iPhone users across the US have […]
Plague, locusts, floods and war…Is the Chinapocalypse here? by Martin Harris 20/6/2020 In defiance of the edict “don’t feed the trolls”, this author takes delight in doing just that. I feed them with calm, logical argument. While they’re engaging me they’re leaving someone else alone, and it’s a great way […]
Last week, a California abortionist testified under oath that there is “no question” abortionists are allowing babies to be born alive in order to harvest their organs, a report from LifeSiteNews revealed. From Testifying during a preliminary hearing in the criminal case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt earlier […]
I’ve always had an instinctive aversion to Tony Blair. Even before he became prime minister I sensed that there was something fundamentally dishonest about him. Subsequent events confirmed that. By wmw_admin on June 18, 2020 ( June 17, 2020 Outwardly charming, he was a consummate liar who was ready to serve the elite and […]
Melbourne Australia. In broad daylight. No one helps and the cops won’t act. What sort of society are we living in?! MH Please share. Avi Yemini Footage has emerged of a 16-yr-old girl being brutally attacked by a gang of eight in Melbourne. I have to warn you, the video […]
Make no mistake, this will be absolute tyranny on a global scale. Mac Slavo June 16, 2020 The mainstream media is silent as the elitists who want power over every human on Earth plan to meet in a Swiss town to discuss “the Great Reset,” a push to a one-world […]
How quickly the tide has turned! Martin Harris 17/6/20 Mere days ago Ardern and her “weekly COVID Briefing” sidekick Bloomfield were the darlings of the Mainstream Media, now the Press has turned on them: Bloomfield taking the Beehive Back Door to avoid the questions. After the totalitarian lockdowns we all […]
The United States Senate has issued Subpoenas in the Russia-Collusion, FISA-abuse scandals that tore our nation apart for two and half years. The Senate Subpoenaed ALL of the major perpetrators. From the Hal Turner Radio Show The following persons have been Subpoenaed: James Baker John Brennan James Clapper James Comey […]
If you thought the idea of manipulating the human nervous system via TV screens and computer monitors was reserved solely for the realm of science fiction, think again. Registered patents indicate that this may not be quite as far-fetched as it sounds. Isabelle Z – Natural News June 13, 2020 […]