Stay vigilant: Post-pandemic, this persecution may be spread well beyond the borders of China! MH Michael Be very thankful that you don’t live in China.  Approximately one out of every seven people on the entire planet lives in China, and it has become one of the most dystopian societies […]

In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen.  Tyler Durden Wed, 03/25/2020 – 11:00 Authored by Michael Snyder via The […]

The puzzle pieces start to come together. by Martin Harris Although this went down in January, the story takes on a whole new perspective in hindsight. What brought this to my attention was the following video clip that is going “viral” (pun intended) on Social Media: On a cold wintry […]

More Police State monstrosity in the COVID World Order: Kidnapping Children of Essential Services workers “for safety”. MH Allie ParkerMedical KidnapThu, 26 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC © FacebookKatie Spencer and her daughters With the amount of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. rising every day, the majority of states […]

Coronavirus “COVID-19” has killed 21,000 souls thus far. While this is tragic, the seasonal influenza kills an average of 40,000 per year. We don’t shut down countries and enforce Emergency Powers over it. So: What’s really going on? Read this and “Think for yourself”: MH Makia FreemanThe Freedom ArticlesWed, 25 […]
