A wealth of fascinating commentary on the geopolitical situation from the ever perceptive G Squared! A civil war fuelled by India, is pending in Bangladesh, where tens of millions will die. Prime Minister Sheikh Hansina, daughter of Mujibar Rahman, has unilaterally, with the connivance of President Abdul Hamid, signed three […]
Abortion in the 21st century has little to do with women making a choice. Abortion is a streamlined industry that coerces women into horrific medical procedures that exploit their well being and long term mental health. The abortion industry has become a modern day Auschwitz, where baby organs, extremities, brains […]
A FOUNDING member of the left-wing ‘domestic terrorist organization’, Antifa has claimed that the Billionaire philanthropist and financier George Soros helped to turn them into terrorists“more dangerous than ISIS.” Jordan James – Politicalite Oct 6, 2019 An ex-member of the organisation, Shayne Hunter – who is reportedly a founder of […]
A vegan diet may “dumb down” future kids, a nutritional expert has warned. Nick McDermottThe SunFri, 30 Aug 2019 11:57 UTC Writing in the health journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, Dr. Emma Derbyshire says a plant-based diet lacks choline — a key nutrient for mental development. It is mainly […]
The Chinese government continues its Orwellian practices with the announcement that citizens will have to use facial recognition technology to access the internet (which is already highly fire-walled.) By Aaron Kesel This is all a part of China’s social credit system that will take effect on Dec. 1st. After the […]
Superb article from SOTT.net. Hats off to author Luke Baier for a well constructed, hysteria-free bit of research and presentation! MH Luke BaierSott.netTue, 08 Oct 2019 18:35 UTC Does the current wave of climate change hysteria as represented by Greta Thunberg make you feel a bit uneasy? Or maybe you […]
And so it begins… In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, called the House’s impeachment inquiry illegitimate, saying the administration will not cooperate unless until the House votes to open an investigation. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/08/us/politics/white-house-letter-impeachment.html Here is the full text: THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October […]
Better than Ardern: Deepest respect to Donald Trump for this good deed! The Trump administration on Monday blacklisted eight Chinese companies whose products are used in the surveillance of Uighur Muslims in Western China. By ADAM BEHSUDI and DOUG PALMER 10/07/2019 06:18 PM EDT The order bans U.S. companies from […]
The dark side of the Climate Change Agenda is emerging. We’ve seen hints of this before with the euthanasia and abortion push. Now they’re getting bolder. Note that while the “let’s eat babies” lady in the video clip was clearly trolling, Ocasio-Cortez can clearly be seen nodding. An academic in […]
Researchers have managed to teach birds songs that they had never heard before after activating select neurons within their brains—basically implanting false memories. By Elias Marat The very notion sounds like the prologue to the plot for the 1990 film Total Recall, where the protagonist, Quaid, is a construction worker […]