Ordinary people in the West reading and listening to the mainstream media have been presented with a series of narratives regarding the war in Ukraine.  Apparently, Russia has been losing its war in Ukraine since the first days of the conflict.  By Dr. Leon Tressell – South Front Aug 11, 2022 […]

Now it’s conspiracy — they’ve made that something that should not even be entertained for a minute, that powerful people might get together and have a plan. Doesn’t happen. You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!” — George Carlin “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true […]

The opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games contained some bizarre scenes involving people revering a giant bull. Was this ritualistic ceremony actually Baal worship in plain sight? Here’s a look at this symbolic event. Vigilant Citizen – Aug 7, 2022 One of the things this site has proven throughout […]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has continued to pour gasoline on the foreign policy dumpster fire that is her planned visit to Taiwan next month, now reportedly encouraging other members of congress to come along for the ride. Caitlyn Johnstone – Medium.com July 28, 2022 “Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has invited a small […]
