So it begins. While millions of Americans tuned in, I didn’t watch the first impeachment showdown, and neither did Trump. Opinion by Martin Harris 14/11/19 The fact that the man at the center of this inquiry didn’t bother to watch the proceedings tells much. The little segment shown on NZ […]
The Dems are recording failure after failure to regain The WH, after they lost it to Trump. Being happily owned by Deep State with MSM Mutual Collusion. by G Squared 12/11/19 Deep State having the major problem, that Trump cannot be threatened, bought or blackmailed. If he doesn’t need anything, […]
President Trump calls it a witch hunt, but it really is a coup against American democracy. Paul Craig Roberts – Nov 7, 2019 President Trump calls it a witch hunt, but it really is a coup against American democracy. The Democrats who want Trump impeached don’t realize this. They […]
Is it true? Is there actually a push from certain quarters to make the eating of insects more palatable to Westerners? And if so, why? Paul Joseph WatsonSott.netSun, 10 Nov 2019 03:11 UTC
In the 1980s Winston Peters talked about New Zealand beginning to look like an Asian colony and, with China being the major contributor to our immigration, followed closely by India, could it be that his words were, heaven forbid, prophetic? By Danny – November 10, 2019 9:30 am There has […]
“I don’t break the law so I’ve nothing to worry about” is something we hear a lot…This item might change your mind! Facial recognition technology is a threat to us all. November 4, 2019 By Michael Maharrey We’ve become increasingly comfortable with facial recognition technology. We use it to unlock […]
This is the censorship-mad Left at their most hypocritical and repulsive. Oh, but the act depicted in the following incident is OK, they say, because A: it’s fake and B: God and Satan don’t exist. Hmmm…I’d say this level of sickening performance indicates that the concepts of good and evil, […]
The EU became The UK’s biggest nightmare in contemporary history because of two events. by G Squared 29/10/19 Firstly: It was taken into the trap through The Common Market, which would naturally creep and power maximize into The EU under, the dictatorship of appointed and unelected, unaccountable and non-transparent Commissioners. […]
Stand aside Greta Thunberg: This young lady has got you sussed, and the in fact the whole agenda you represent. It gives me hope to see young people who can still think for themselves (other than the three I have at home!) MH What is really happening in Sweden, Greta? […]
9-11, Saville, Epstein…it’s all discussed here! BBC Journalist Exposes The Dark Side Of The Media. James English The Anything Goes Show Ep72. Anna brees left the BBC on principle and talks to me about how journalists are failing the public when it comes to the truth. Professional TV news journalist […]